Tuesday, August 28, 2012


DESECRATING IMAGE OF AMERICA'S FIRST LADY As an artist I see things in political terms because intended or not all art is political. So, the hidden money commissioning the desecration, the artist creating the desecration, the magazine publishing the desecration, and to some extent those who buy the desecration are all culpable in that desecration. To put the politic in the "desecration" to a test: have the artist Photo-Shop a Little White Naked Baby Boy Suckling at the Slave Woman's naked breast. To further test your innocent artistic taste – turn the slave woman's head-rap into a halo. https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/adolphusaward

Monday, August 27, 2012


Townestreet Theatre's Sunday matinee is where I went to expand my life experiences through the lives of an ensemble cast of actors living a story created by a gifted writer and directed by an experienced craftsperson. I don't go to the theatre to see me: how could I possibly expand my life just looking at me. I openly admit my narcissistic tendencies – but I have long since come to know that I'm a little fuck-up; at times I've been a little more than a little. So if you want to have your ideas about life challenged and have some laughs along the way, see the play. http://www.townestreet.org/TST2/TST_Home.html https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/adolphusaward

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


ET Adolphus on NASA's human CURIOSITY MARS ROVER I was back from visiting planets in Andromeda I and stopped on Mars to watch Curiosity complete its spectacular 3 H-U-N-D-R-E-D 54 M-I-L-L-I-O-N miles journey – landing on a designated dime. W-O-W!!!!!!!! Congratulation NASA – to Concept, to Engineers, to Maintenance, and to Control. It's a Little Rover for NASA but a Big Rover for MANKIND. ET A

Friday, August 3, 2012


ET Adolphus with an update on my metamorphosis. A few years back I was startled to see me staring back from my vanity mirror. The hot weather was here, like now, and I was naked. Gravity and time had pulled everything that used to be firm and supple so that it was beginning to sag and drape. Well, sagging and draping continues – the bags under my eyes will eventually rest on my cheeks, the flabby skin beneath my chin continues to wave like a flag unfurled in a high wind, my perky pectorals have gone flat and the nipples have grown beards. Now somebody tell me how the hell I'm ever gonna get a titillating tongue when my nipples are growing weeds? I'm really afraid to look and see what my ass is doing. Think I'll go visit another galaxy. See y'all when I get back. ET A