Sunday, November 30, 2014
The young death and the justifiable pain and anguish in Ferguson, and other cities and too often, makes me say something I believe to be true. The mother of Our Nation is racism; the basic instinct of its issue is to annihilate minority groups – at times it will recruit members of minority groups as mercenaries to aide in their own destruction. It is the rule of law that attempts to restrain the instinct of America’s dominate group. Notice that I use the word attempts: the instinct to completely annihilate minority groups remains a part of the dominate groups’ fundamental intent.
The agents of the law are many and not readily apparent; but two can easily be identified – Police and Military. Both the police and military recite a mantra we’re all familiar with – “To Protect and To Serve.” Police swear to protect and serve civilians and the Military swears to protect and serve our nation as a whole. Remember that the rule of law only attempts to restrain the basic instincts of racism. That instinct is so innate, so inborn and pervasive that it tends to corrupt the oath both the police and military swear to live by. The corruption of the oath changes its nature from “To Protect and To Serve.”, “To Control and To Dominate.” I think our police and military have been corrupted in this way.
This brings me to the question that is always asked about the role of violence as a tool in demonstrations to oppose injustice. I believe that violence should always be among the tools used to resist injustice and should be employed, without hesitation, when a racist group moves to harm or destroy another. The value of our minority youth is as precious as those of the dominant group. Black adult minorities should not hesitate to take up arms, should not hesitate to bleed and die, especially, in the protection and perpetuation of our youth.,
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Just sharing a notion that has guided my thinking for as far back as I can remember. I am interconnected with all that is but I have never felt I could not exist without all there is. I’m not saying I don’t need other people and other forms of existence but my presence does not depend on any one person or form - no person(s) or form(s) controls me: I control me. My interconnectedness with people and other forms of existence is because I will it to be so.
As a young child I remember waking from a near death experience to see my mother, father, and our pastor standing at the foot of my hospital-bed praying – I interrupted their prayers by telling them, “I don’t know why y’all here I ain’t gonna die.” As an adult I have belonged to organized groups, to include religious, business, social, and political institutions – but I was there because I chose to be not because I had to be. I’ve married because I chose to do that, not because I had to. I have loved because I chose to do that not because I couldn’t help it. I omit ‘…under God…,’ when Pledging Allegiance to the flag. In my mind I omit, ‘… so help you God,’ before saying “I Do” when swearing in as a witness or juror in court. God’s name, to me, neither validates my willingness to serve nor my truthfulness – for me it’s a personal commitment not the fear of or permission from a God.
I now avoid belonging to or being in large groups – especially when group members are of one mind. I refuse to enslave my thought processes to the will of a group: I CHOOSE TO THINK!,
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Following the triumph of the Republican Party at the polls I received a letter from the Democratic Party wanting to know what important issues the party should undertake in the coming years. Since I’m an Independent voter I received a similar letter from Republicans. As a person who’s been breathing for a long time I don’t get too excited when a politician wants to know what I think about a given issue; I’m convinced the reality of how seriously my response would be taken has more to do with how much money or influence I could contribute to what the party thinks is important.
With that in mind I have to say something about REPARATIONS – REPARATIONS is the only means by which peoples of AFRICAN descent will ever share in the opportunities and wealth available in this country – the free labor of our ancestors, their exclusion from social political and economic life, enabled America to become the strongest, in-terms of wealth and military might, country ever to exist.
The only way for America to atone for its deliberate actions is REPARATIONS. I think REPARATIONS should first go to reconstructing educational institutions serving peoples of African descent – jobs for peoples of African descent should be an integral part of the initial thrust of REPARATIONS.,
Saturday, November 8, 2014
The notion of being aware of myself - that is being conscious - makes me say something that has been in my head for a long time. I unapologetically admit that I have no formal training in brain function and its role in human behavior; nor have I been trained in behavior and its role in brain function. I have, however, included reading in brain/behavior areas among unrelated subjects of my interest. For me, reading is a habit; when and where ever I have an interest I will get a book to appease my hunger.
I think my brain is the birthplace of my self-awareness. Without my brain I would not be aware – I would not be conscious; without my consciousness my brain would cease to function – my brain would die.
A continually developing conscious (awareness) makes possible a continually developing brain; the developing brain in turn makes possible a continually developing conscious (awareness).
At the start consciousness is like a new born child who must be fed by others. If the growth of that child is nurtured the child will soon learn to feed itself, will learn to select and secure its own food, will learn to rely on itself. That self-reliance will inform the brain; it reacts by assisting the maturing conscious (awareness).
The short of all this is that I’ve learned to continually develop my brain by continually developing my consciousness – by continually developing the awareness of self, of others, and all else.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Growing Cost of Freedom makes me say something. I once had the naive believe that freedom – you know, all that life liberty and pursuit of happiness stuff in The Constitution – was guaranteed; especially after it was purged of its overt racism, sexism, and you know the rest. I once thought that when I worked hard, paid my share of taxes, that I would be assured of representation by all elected officials, not just the blue or the red, the right or the left. Oh, I knew there would be some basic disagreements along the way; but I thought my basic rights were unquestionably guaranteed. Now I find that my taxes, my philanthropy guarantees me nothing. In order for my basic rights to be protected I am now forces to pay for those rights – I am now told I must pay a legal form of protection.
I am now told that our democracy has been put on the stock exchange and big money is grabbing chunks of it at bargain prices. I am told that I must dig deeper in my near empty pockets if I expect to have any rights at all. I am told that The Constitution has been enslaved and put on the auction block for the highest bidder. I am told that I will be a slave once again because I don’t have enough money to buy my freedom.,
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