Thursday, February 18, 2016


THOUGHTS ON STOLEN COUNTRY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE – please share I’ve been living for just about eighty-one years and most political catch phrases pass through me as easily and as often as my body’s waste – neither bowel nor bladder problems. There are, however, a couple political hypes that cause me to re-regulate my breathing. I don’t reach the point of hyperventilating – the hypes aren’t that sophisticated; they, in fact, are blatantly absurd and stupid. As a member of the black race enslaved and still exploited by America’s white leaders I urge those politicians and pundits trying to “get our country back” to search among themselves for the thieves who stole it. As for “restoring the criminal justice system,” Justice for the descendants of slaves has yet to become a reality; any restoration of what was in the courts for black people would be a road to genocide.

Sunday, February 14, 2016


THOUGHTS ON REPARATIONS – from the bottom up; please share If you’re a black person or a descendant of African Peoples, reparation should be of interest to you. An abundance of information on reparation is available in print; you can catch up quickly by Googling Reparation. There’s a lot of misguided information and understanding about reparations. Reparation is not intended to pay individuals for harm done them – so, if a white person calls you a nigger or a police dog bites you or even if you lose a relative at the hands of a white mob or police violence, reparation is intended to remedy the harm done to African peoples and their descendants: THAT MEANS THE WHOLE RACE, not individuals. Affirmative Action is a small but significant step toward healing the harm done to back people in America. It does not take jobs from qualified white people and give them to unqualified black people; but Affirmative Action does move qualified black people ahead of qualified white people where black people have ever been discouraged or denied entry into specific jobs or work places. CHECK BOOKS /ACTING ON MY WEB SITE