Monday, January 9, 2012

Definition Exclusion Isolation Annihilation

from Definition to Exclusion to Isolation to Annihilation.
I have come to the conclusion that all organizations define themselves by exclusion. In an effort to claim a unique spot of ground on which to stake its claim, an organization continually edits its definition, further excluding itself from all others, and thereby further isolating itself.
For the purpose of this essay an organization is any formal or informal group of people who define themselves in the same way, who follow the same beliefs, and who share common objectives. By this definition a government is an organization, a religion is an organization – any group of people meeting the definition is an organization.
On face organization-definition is innocuous – not harmful. For an organization to be identifiable among many, a unique definition seems unavoidable. However, when that definition moves beyond its name and mailing address and enters the realms of beliefs and objectives, I believe that a form of isolation sets in and becomes injurious to the organization and to those not within it.
When an organization feels isolated it begins to see the world outside itself as hostile and will eventually seek to annihilate it – leading to its own annihilation.
Adolphus A. Ward

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