Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Greetings to fellow Space Travelers and Kindred Earthbounds. I've just returned from a now dead star at the edge of our universe. Incidentally the star was very much like our Sun in size and had orbiting planets. Two of the orbiting planets were Earthlike – both with intelligent life forms, similar to us earthlings. The inhabitants of both planets were well aware of the imminent death of their life giving star, and were fully informed that it would be the end of their planets and their lives if they should stay.
Launch areas were full of activity – loading Beings, supplies, and equipment into space vehicles; destine for a habitable star system in another galaxy. Not all inhabitants of these two planets would be leaving with the launch. Many would have to stay and see the edge of a swelling sun before it incinerates them and all they knew.
I went to the center of this dying star and waited. Because my anatomic system immediately transforms to be compatible with any environment, I felt only a slight variation in pressure as the star began to swell. The swelling was rapid and increased at a rate well passed the speed of light. In what seemed like moments it was over – the star was dead.
I emerged to see a planetary system with no visible life forms – the clinging pulse of a stubborn existence rapidly being sucked out of what was once a bright and vibrant system. It was a sad witness, to be sure. Yet as I looked out across that galaxy I could see new star systems just coming into existence – new life just born as death claims an old one. Life and Death, both at the same time: one thing; not two.
Well, Travelers and Kindreds, next time I'll explore some similarities between how we humans function and how galaxies function – let you know what I discover.
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