Sunday, May 15, 2016


THOUGHTS ON RIDDING MYSELF OF CLUTTER – stripping down to what I really need Not quite sure why my mind and efforts have moved toward getting rid of stuff; perhaps my getting older has something to do with it. A few weeks ago I set out to see more empty floor and wall space. It turns out I’m really good at getting rid of stuff. When I was less old it was near impossible for me to part with books I’d read and reread, and I kept buying more books; it was as if to part with them was eliminating a part of me. I’ve now sold or given most my books to readers – it was like my donating an organ that keeps both of us living. In the past few weeks I’ve sold and given away books, furniture, sports equipment, bedding, empty glass picture frames, and other items that had occupied floor and wall space. I can now see more wall and floor space than stuff in my one bedroom apartment. I’m now taking a critical look at my closet full of clothes. I’ve decided to start wearing items I seldom if ever wear: my one suit, sport coats, dress trousers, dress shoes, dress shirts, tux, dinner jacket. So, if you see me wearing a dinner jacket, jeans, and running shoes having an espresso at Starbucks, I didn’t just come from nor am I going anywhere special – I’m just delaying getting rid of more stuff.

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