Wednesday, February 8, 2017


THOUGHTS ABOUT PAYING EXTORTION TO LIVE – the wealthy buy up freedom and opportunity In the existing struggle between the haves and have much less or next to nothing, the have less or next to nothing are forced to pay what amounts to extortion for the right to stay alive. A scam set by extreme wealth delude the rest of us into thinking if we pay pennies to fight their millions of dollars that we can wrestle from them a better life and livelihood, and eventually realize a reasonable share of the wealth we help create. It’s a fool’s game we play. Super wealth has the momentum and is likely to carry the day. The gulf between the haves and have less or nothing will continue to grow both deeper and wider. There is and has always been a tendency of the wealth-poor and politically impoverished to try and win the favor of the super wealthy – the recent presidential election is but one obvious example. What the poor and impoverished still fail to realize is that super wealthy individuals have absolutely no intention of sharing the wealth. Their intention is and will always be to exploit every opportunity to increase their wealth and too distant themselves from the have less and have none. What is blatantly hypocritical about the way this charade is played out is that it’s cloaked in Constitution and Religious Rhetoric.

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