Friday, April 27, 2018


THOUGHTS ABOUT IMMIGRATION – illegal made legal As a black man whose ancestral presence in America was not by way of legal or illegal immigration but by force – I did not choose to be here. It’s difficult for me to kindle pure empathy for those striving to make America their permanent home. I can, however, empathize with any human being who strives for the opportunity to have a better life for themselves and their kind. I can also empathize with the desperation felt when the opportunity for a better life is suddenly made unattainable. Freedom and prosperity enjoyed by white people was in sight of a slave but unattainable. During slavery and the extended period of Jim-Crow laws and accepted social practice black people were not allowed to share in the benefits of their own labor – enforcement was justified by law. This ambiguity in the law has, for a very long time, prevented my blind obedience to it. I think the rule of law is a good thing but the BUT is always there. There may still be a few Americans who believe our country is a kind a melting pot – a jolly jumble of all kinds of ethnic groups. It is in fact a predominantly white country and was intended to be that at its inception. Yes, there were biases between white ethnic groups but that was short lived and more social than legal practice. Beginning with the so called Founding Fathers, white ethnic groups colluded to restrict the populations of Non-Europeans both by social practice and law. Immigration Laws is but one way that enables the government to control our country’s population balance. Illegal immigration is the reason why the subject is such a hot political issue. It messes with the government’s effort to control populations. The illegal numbers are pumped up with propaganda to make it seem the country is over run by non-whites. This hype scared the shit out of some white Americans and helped Trump become president. Some of the hype was directed to black workers saying that illegals were taking jobs away from them – as if blacks were in competition for jobs no one else wanted. During my days of social activism I knew an activist who left me with an indelible Axiom – when the government and major media says it’s true, it’s probably a lie.

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