Tuesday, October 9, 2018


THOUGHTS ABOUT LATEST SUPREME COURT CHANGE – even more of the same The latest change in the court’s makeup will further divide the country in gender, race, and wealth. The principle driver for these changes is and has always been rich powerful white men. Most people who devote time to thinking rather than relying on the benevolence of a God and men who present themselves as caring individuals are aware of this fact. Thinking citizens were not fooled by the thousands of women demonstrating that the will of the rich and powerful white men would yield and take a more favorable course. Thinking black women should be aware that their pain and that of all African Americans will be more intense and lasting than that experienced by Caucasian Americans. This is true for all blacks across all indicators of growth: jobs, education, income, and physical/ psychological health. African Americans, more now than ever before must look away from what separates us toward those things vital to our earthbound wellbeing. Prayer will only have some benefit when it is followed by a physical person planning, gathering necessary resources, employing those resources, and evaluating the outcome. Blacks should make alliances with whites only when it benefits black people, no exception. I picked up a spin from a black community leader, Yvette Parnell –BREAKING BROWN on You Tube, to an old notion of mine. I have often said that to identify ourselves as African is inappropriate; African American is a little clumsy to me but comes closer to a usable identity. Yvette added something to African American that defines us more clearly. We, blacks are descendants of slaves and slave owners; we are DOS – DESCENDANTS OF SLAVES. Some of us wish to take slavery out of the equation of our lives – we get real silly trying to define ourselves as persons and cultures viewed by many as contributing most to the growth of mankind. Blacks occupy pages in those contributions but we didn’t write the whole book. It is absolutely correct to think that African American ancestry reaches into antiquity – a time when life was coming into the knowledge of itself. adolphusward.net

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