Thursday, November 15, 2012
Obama won reelection with gifts (stuff) to people of color and young (naïve) white people. This is the mantra now being chanted by white political puppets – it's being sung as a new and sincere prayer to God, but it's really an old hymn designed to divide and conquer. Who are the puppet masters on stage today – they are the same as in the founding of this country, as in the slaughter of native people, as in the enslavement of African people, as in segregation, as in disenfranchisement, as in black laws, as in continued discrimination. Wealthy people who control and exploit the natural and human resources of our country are still the puppet masters on this American stage. Now their ploy is to move the American people away from seeing the growing greed of the wealthy as the cause of our economic crises to the growing peoples of color – to change the focus on Ravenous Wealth to that of Race. The political puppets are saying that Race is the cause of our economic problems and that Race will eventually ruin our otherwise great country. The puppets go on to say that, 'We (WHITES) must take our country back' – presumably from the people of color and naïve whites.
I have white family members and subsequently mixed nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. I've encouraged them to not let anyone fuck with them because of their mixed heritage, white or black. We have no intention of turning on each other for wealthy puppet masters, political puppets or anyone else. Some whites may be tempted to follow the political puppets, thinking that people of color is really the problem. But I urge such a person to ask themselves the question; who has the wealth and political power to buy companies then ship the equipment and jobs to another country; who has the wealth and political power to make loans and then sell those agreements for exorbitant profits; who has the wealth and political power to change the law to benefit wealthy people; who has the wealth and political power to remove the voice of labor and the poor from political discourse?
I don't give a damn whether you like me or not; we are all Americans and bound together by circumstance, place, and time. One sure way for our sons, daughters, and grandchildren to inherit a dead America is to allow racism to divide us.
Adolphus Ward
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Charles Reese is the editor and lead performer is a one act play by Howard B. Simon, title A SOUL ON FIRE. The play, as I see it, is a tribute to James Baldwin – the man and the writer. On Saturday afternoon I found myself in an actual court room at the Mayme Clayton Library & Museum. At opening, Charles morphed himself into Baldwin and seamlessly lived a bit of his life before returning to Charles. Carol Christine Hilaria (CCH) Pounder acted as host for the two hour program – first asking Charles how he came to be so passionate about Baldwin and his work; she then brought the audience into the conversation for a Q&A. a personal note to you cch – my brain didn't remember who you are until on the 405 going home, almost lost it, sorry. The whole experience was wrapped in audio-visuals of Baldwin, scenes from a past full production, and the live enchanting sounds of African music. I love story and this program reminded why.
I too have a passion for James Baldwin the man and his literary contributions – one in particular: THE AMEN CORNER. It was my very first professional production. It was directed by Gerald Wallace, an innovator of theatre in the city of Milwaukee, and artistic director of the People's Theatre. To make the experience even more memorable I was the husband of Margaret, the center character of the story, played by non-other than Claudia McNeil. Wallace like Baldwin like McNeil is no longer alive – but not a day goes by that they're not somewhere in my brain.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
I've got this mind that never stops asking why. I don't do it with everything, just those things that should've had a different outcome.
The Wealth driving the Republican Political Devotees programed them to block anything the Democrats attempted that might seem like success to the American public. Devotees were given the task of shifting the blame for the economic crash from Wall Street to the American Public and its habit of spending more than it makes – Entitlement programs were designated the guilty parties and condemned to extreme cuts; this aspect was colored a bit by hawking that the number of Food-stamps had increased under Obama's watch, that the economy had gone down further, that no jobs had been added, that too much money had been spent on Welfare.
As in the past, the White Public was to choose the WHITE-WAY and see BLACKS and other people of color as the reason for the economic mess we're in.
Life and my experiences have taught me never to underestimate an opponent. Successful people are not dumb – successful wealthy people are certainly not dumb. So, the Wealth driving the Republican Devotees knew the American Public, particularly the White Public wouldn't buy the Elephant Poop they were being sold – so, the Wealth knew Obama would win reelection.
Wealth has never lied about its intension – reduce Government to collecting taxes (FOR THEM), issuing drivers and fishing licenses, and once a year giving Christmas baskets to the poor. 'Otherwise get the hell out of the way and let us run this country.'
Monday, November 5, 2012
I don't get trapped in the notion of reds and blues, rights and lefts, .01s and .99s. What I do trap myself in is which man brings the best plan for all the people of this great country. I'm not red nor blue or any other exclusive identity –I'm an American and voting for Obama.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
I'm a registered Independent Voter. What I'm about to say is more a GIVEN than a PREDICTION. I was riding back from San Diego with a friend who went for an audition – pleasant drive, good company both ways. And as friends are likely do we talked about the coming presidential election. The debates did nothing for me to arrive at my GIVEN since I've had this opinion for some time. I've paid little or no attention the bluster from the right or left – Obama's doing a terrible job, Republicans left a terrible mess and are experts at obstructing.
I have this habit of reducing things to what really matters. The economy was and is in a mess. The rich and powerful people who did a lot to put us there are not well liked about now. Romney is one of those rich and powerful people. Obama doesn't have a quick fix for the economy because there is no quick fix. Romney doesn't have a quick fix either and therefore not at all eager to be where Obama is – better Him than Me says Romney. I suspect this is also true for the Republican Party.
My GIVEN for after Obama is elected is that Republicans will continue to obstruct – Unless it is something that will really help them when they take office.
Adolphus A. Ward
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Steve Nelson has been Head of the Calhoun School in Manhattan since 1998.
Affirmative Action Headed for the Dustbin of History
Posted: 10/17/2012 6:48 pm
If Grutter v. Bollinger is overturned, which seems likely given the current composition of the Court and the tenor of the arguments on Wednesday, once again folks of color will be in a position of structural disadvantage in America. It won't be news to them, as institutional racism was never eradicated and is freshly pungent in the mythological post-racism era in America.
In many folks' minds, the question is whether there is, or ever was, an obligation to redress the legacy of segregation and racism by providing an affirmative opportunity to students of color in the admission process. The answer is unambiguously "yes," and the obligation persists despite several decades of slow progress (and a decade or two of backsliding).
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Adolphus Fuck -it Day
It's been a year now since I fell while riding my bike in traffic and injured a couple vertebrae – avoided hitting one car and being hit by another so could have been worse. Gave up riding and now increasing my walking; had to replace my running shoes. Been putting dollars away for the hundreds I'll need to publish the second edition of my three novels. I decided to make this a Fuck-it Day – in spite of the rain and the dollars yet to go for my second edition I said Fuck-it. Went out in the rain, bought a good pair walking shoes, then took a slow walk (in the rain) to Starbucks, sat outside, had an espresso, an egg salad sandwich, a wonderful oatmeal raisin cookie, and enjoyed the cool humid air. Good Fuck-it day.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Sunday has, for many years, been the day I focus my thinking on the week past and make some assessment of what I did or didn't do and the outcome of that effort. In years past I would go out for breakfast with the woman in my life or a friend, or just me, and follow that with a trip to an art gallery, museum, play, movie, or a run or walk along the shore of Lake Michigan. Given my reluctant austerity of a woman and money I have breakfast at home and think. Since I write the rest of the week I avoid doing it on Sunday – this is an exception. Today I'm thinking about this family.
This family is really my family bound by blood, contract, or commitment. We have those among us who are smart and those who are dumb – fortunately there are fewer dumb-ones. We have those who believe in a God and those who don't – I don't. Some of us have degrees, most don't – those with degrees tend to live better than those without. We have teachers, preachers, pimps, prostitutes, lesbians, gays, bisexuals and those in between, one murderer, one cop, a psychologist, writers, actors, muscians, visual artist, visionaries, deadbeats, and some others yet to be defined. One can be sure that each member of this (my) family is a little insane – perhaps, at times, a little more than a little. Our redeeming quality is that we love each other – at times we fight but we never stop love. But woe be unto the fool who tries to hurt or destroy any one of us. When a stranger comes to us with love and friendship we can and will return it fourfold.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
With the election for president in sight the racist who shape public opinion are busy working their white-magic In the past peoples of color have been politically dumb – I sure hope that time is passed. The only concern racists have for peoples of color is how one group can be used to impede the progress of another – especially when that progress threatens the power of the racists. Racist hands will use IMMIGRATION to fight REPARATION, and those same hands will use REPARATION to fight IMMIGRATION – come-on peoples of color we're politically smarter than we were yesterday?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
IRAN WAR NO OLYMPIC EVENT – it would be a folly to a death that would never stop dying. As an American I say NO WAR!! Whatever the pretext, an attack against Iran would not only lead to the devastation of any hope for peace in that area but in areas throughout the world. In the bubbling brew that's being brought to a brawl I not only taste a seasoning called security but that of a country rich in natural resources. I don't trust the motives spilling from either the passive or active mouths cooking the brew for an attack against Iran. A Preemptive-War will never end in peace.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
DESECRATING IMAGE OF AMERICA'S FIRST LADY As an artist I see things in political terms because intended or not all art is political. So, the hidden money commissioning the desecration, the artist creating the desecration, the magazine publishing the desecration, and to some extent those who buy the desecration are all culpable in that desecration.
To put the politic in the "desecration" to a test: have the artist Photo-Shop a Little White Naked Baby Boy Suckling at the Slave Woman's naked breast. To further test your innocent artistic taste – turn the slave woman's head-rap into a halo.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Townestreet Theatre's Sunday matinee is where I went to expand my life experiences through the lives of an ensemble cast of actors living a story created by a gifted writer and directed by an experienced craftsperson. I don't go to the theatre to see me: how could I possibly expand my life just looking at me. I openly admit my narcissistic tendencies – but I have long since come to know that I'm a little fuck-up; at times I've been a little more than a little. So if you want to have your ideas about life challenged and have some laughs along the way, see the play.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
I was back from visiting planets in Andromeda I and stopped on Mars to watch Curiosity complete its spectacular 3 H-U-N-D-R-E-D 54 M-I-L-L-I-O-N miles journey – landing on a designated dime. W-O-W!!!!!!!! Congratulation NASA – to Concept, to Engineers, to Maintenance, and to Control. It's a Little Rover for NASA but a Big Rover for MANKIND.
Friday, August 3, 2012
ET Adolphus with an update on my metamorphosis. A few years back I was startled to see me staring back from my vanity mirror. The hot weather was here, like now, and I was naked. Gravity and time had pulled everything that used to be firm and supple so that it was beginning to sag and drape. Well, sagging and draping continues – the bags under my eyes will eventually rest on my cheeks, the flabby skin beneath my chin continues to wave like a flag unfurled in a high wind, my perky pectorals have gone flat and the nipples have grown beards. Now somebody tell me how the hell I'm ever gonna get a titillating tongue when my nipples are growing weeds? I'm really afraid to look and see what my ass is doing.
Think I'll go visit another galaxy. See y'all when I get back.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
So you know where I'm talking from – I'm retired, living on a modest income, I now write and act full time; my acting supplement my income but all of that and more goes to my writing. And then there's the usual emergency that everyone gets. Maybe knowing a little about my position will explain what I say next.
With the squabbling between the Republicans and Democrats – the Right saying LESS GOVERNMENT SPENDING and the Left saying MORE TAX FOR THE RICH – there is no foreseeable solution to the shortage of jobs, no foreseeable solution to the rising cost of education, no foreseeable solution to the increasing income disparity between groups, no foreseeable solution to the destructive concentration of wealth.
If you're waiting for me to offer a foreseeable solution you can go back to milking your duck. If you're still here let me throw out something to think about. I say from the start that I'm a capitalist, I like creating ways to make money, I like the notion of private property, I like to live well and always seeking ways to live well'er.
A great deal of America's wealth – all humans – comes from natural resources: land, water, oil, gas, wood, coal, chemicals, precious metal, pharmaceuticals, you can add more. We really need to look at the way benefit is derive from these natural resources. FIRST: our government usually sells or rents the right to exploit a resource. Our government usually participates in the cost of exploitation. SECOND: a private company either buys of rents or both that resource. THIRD: the net benefit from the exploitation of the natural resource is taken by the private company.
If you look real close at this picture something ain't right. FIRST: our government uses TAX DOLLARS to help a PRIVATE COMPANY exploit a resource. SECOND: Americans, THROUGH TAXES, help a PRIVATE COMPANY exploit a resource. THIRD: a PRIVATE COMPAY walks away with a LION SHARE of THE NET BENEFIT. If this picture still looks okay to you – go back to milking your duck. An alternative to your duck is to start thinking of ways for AMERICANS TO FULLY PARTICIPATE IN THE NET BENEFIT OF ALL NATURAL (PUBLIC) RESOURCES.
Adolphus Ward
Sunday, July 15, 2012
My three EBOOKS now have new covers and format – there is no wasted page space. I have edited the text such that YOU can enjoy the stories uninterrupted. My Price is affordable and Purchase is simple. The books can easily be downloaded to your E-READER or COMPUTER (PDF). You can have your books in seconds. I guarantee you will enjoy the stories. Just click: to begin the experience.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
REACHING FOR DIVERSITY in the American Theatre
After reading comments sent to me by Nancy of Towne Street Theatre: NO MORE BLACK PRODUCTIONS OF TENNESEE WILLIAMS UNTIL THERE ARE WHITE PRODUCTIONS OF AUGUST WILSON. Thanks to Harriet and you N, for sharing an old discussion with new but worn ideas.
What is often missed or not clearly stated is that an actor with a broad range of cultural experiences can play a character in many cultures (stories) -- but a play (story) born out of a specific cultural identity cannot play many actors: not and maintain the integrity of the culture. To achieve diversity in the American Theatre all cultures must have a presence.
Adolphus A Ward
Print &
Sunday, May 13, 2012
ET ADOLPHUS on humans going where
ET ADOLPHUS on where humans go
The past few months I've been cruising through the universe at a mere 52,000 mph in the best vehicle ever built for humans – the Earth is an engineering wonder: a work of both esthetic design and function. If the earth were a woman it would translate into having both beauty and boo** – for those of you old or artist enough to complete the thought.
Having seen dead solar systems with dead planets the question of where we humans go from here occupies a part of my thoughts. That part doesn't presently dominate my thinking because the Earth is still a work of beauty with a pleasing boo**; but the question does visit me from time to time. It is common knowledge that given Earth's growing population, speeding through 7 billion, the planet's resources will eventually be depleted: some of us will have to go somewhere else or all of us will be in peril.
Earth and its inhabitants desperately need scientist and engineers – humans and other living creatures must have food and fresh water to live; humans must learn to conserve natural resources; humans must explore other earth-like planets to inhabit; humans don't have a choice but to do these things and more. Scientist and engineers are not born they are made – and that making starts with the desire to be a scientist or engineer. If someone is telling you, your son, your daughter, your grandchild, your niece, your nephew, or your anyone that you can't be a scientist or engineer – you have my permission to tell them to go straight to hell!
Adolphus A. Ward
Print & Ebooks:
Thursday, April 26, 2012
I've long discovered that politics has little to do with good or bad, right or wrong, truth or untruth, ethical or unethical behavior: politics is about peddling a particular ideology and leaving no choice but to go along with it.
Since I'm an independent thinker I don't tend to follow crowds. As a matter of fact crowds headed in a particular ideology scare the shit out of me. My instinctive reflex is to head in the opposite direction. Too many Yeas agreeing with any ideology tells me there is little, if any, independent thinking going on.
That aside; I'm becoming more and more aggravated by the gobs of ideology hurled at me by politicians and their supporters. Whether Elephant-Doo-Doo or Donkey-Dung – shit stinks – It's damned insulting to be told it doesn't. Some prognosticators, in prayerful voice, have the audacity to tell me to close my eyes and open my mouth while they dump gobs of doo-doo and dung – all the time acknowledging the bad taste but assuring me that the shit will be candy to my tummy. Shit whether from elephants or donkeys is still shit.
Adolphus A. Ward
Books & Ebooks:
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I said in my last exploration that I'd look at some similarities and differences between human and galaxy behavior. I'm not sure why I do it but I've always wondered why things are as they are – why disease, why war, why hatred, why poverty, why is there motion in our solar system, why is there motion and chaos in our galaxy, why do we humans do what we do, why do solar and galaxy systems behave as they do? WHY?!!!
I've never accepted the notion that everything is unfolding according to some master plan – all of it designed, controlled, and set into motions by some all-powerful and unknown being. This tells me that everything has a purpose – and that purpose will eventually be revealed. This seems to be saying that all things are following a carefully composed script – only able to follow the role it has been assigned: human beings must do what they do as solar and galaxy systems must do what they do. Here comes my question again – WHY?!!!
If humans simply adopt the behavior of planets in a solar system – that of following specific orbits around a sun, whatever that sun is in human terms – that behavior will inevitably lead to the annihilation of all human beings and life as we know it. When humans follow the chaotic, barbaric behavior of our galaxy – that of the more powerful consuming the less powerful – that behavior too will lead to the death of humans and all that is or could be.
My position is that we humans are not compelled to follow any script, any prophecy, any solar nor any galaxy system in determining what our behavior should be. Unlike solar and galaxy systems which are slave to a physical process, we humans are not chained to the physical part of our nature – we can think, we can change, we don't have to destroy, we can create, we can live, and we can also love.
Adolphus A. Ward
I said in my last exploration that I'd look at some similarities and differences between human and galaxy behavior. I'm not sure why I do it but I've always wondered why things are as they are – why disease, why war, why hatred, why poverty, why is there motion in our solar system, why is there motion and chaos in our galaxy, why do we humans do what we do, why do solar and galaxy systems behave as they do? WHY?!!!
I've never accepted the notion that everything is unfolding according to some master plan – all of it designed, controlled, and set into motions by some all-powerful and unknown being. This tells me that everything has a purpose – and that purpose will eventually be revealed. This seems to be saying that all things are following a carefully composed script – only able to follow the role it has been assigned: human beings must do what they do as solar and galaxy systems must do what they do. Here comes my question again – WHY?!!!
If humans simply adopt the behavior of planets in a solar system – that of following specific orbits around a sun, whatever that sun is in human terms – that behavior will inevitably lead to the annihilation of all human beings and life as we know it. When humans follow the chaotic, barbaric behavior of our galaxy – that of the more powerful consuming the less powerful – that behavior too will lead to the death of humans and all that is or could be.
My position is that we humans are not compelled to follow any script, any prophecy, any solar nor any galaxy system in determining what our behavior should be. Unlike solar and galaxy systems which are slave to a physical process, we humans are not chained to the physical part of our nature – we can think, we can change, we don't have to destroy, we can create, we can live, and we can also love.
Adolphus A. Ward
Friday, March 30, 2012
I have never believed that the heart and minds of all people can be changed to do good simply by appealing to their better nature. The nature of some people is corrupt and that corruption will stay with them to death. Whether a person's corrupt nature would negatively impact the wellbeing of another depends largely on the constraints imposed on a corrupt person. If a corrupt person is about to commit an act and expects the reprisal to be more than they are willing to accept, that person is likely to be discouraged from committing that act.
Racism is a form of corruption. Persons with this corruption can be found in every institution – religion, government, law and so on. In a civilized society law acts as a constraint to corrupt behavior, especially the behavior which negatively impacts another person. Sense the law itself can be corrupt it too must be constrained.
And now to the point of these thoughts – Stand-Your-Ground-Law could be used by anyone who is faced with a corrupt person about to harm them or take their life. Any person has the right to defend themselves and others, even to the extent of taking the life of a corrupt person. The Stand-Your-Ground-Law is not just a tool to be used by a racist but can also be used by a would-be victim.
Adolphus Ambrose Ward
Independent Writer Actor
I have never believed that the heart and minds of all people can be changed to do good simply by appealing to their better nature. The nature of some people is corrupt and that corruption will stay with them to death. Whether a person's corrupt nature would negatively impact the wellbeing of another depends largely on the constraints imposed on a corrupt person. If a corrupt person is about to commit an act and expects the reprisal to be more than they are willing to accept, that person is likely to be discouraged from committing that act.
Racism is a form of corruption. Persons with this corruption can be found in every institution – religion, government, law and so on. In a civilized society law acts as a constraint to corrupt behavior, especially the behavior which negatively impacts another person. Sense the law itself can be corrupt it too must be constrained.
And now to the point of these thoughts – Stand-Your-Ground-Law could be used by anyone who is faced with a corrupt person about to harm them or take their life. Any person has the right to defend themselves and others, even to the extent of taking the life of a corrupt person. The Stand-Your-Ground-Law is not just a tool to be used by a racist but can also be used by a would-be victim.
Adolphus Ambrose Ward
Independent Writer Actor
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Greetings to fellow Space Travelers and Kindred Earthbounds. I've just returned from a now dead star at the edge of our universe. Incidentally the star was very much like our Sun in size and had orbiting planets. Two of the orbiting planets were Earthlike – both with intelligent life forms, similar to us earthlings. The inhabitants of both planets were well aware of the imminent death of their life giving star, and were fully informed that it would be the end of their planets and their lives if they should stay.
Launch areas were full of activity – loading Beings, supplies, and equipment into space vehicles; destine for a habitable star system in another galaxy. Not all inhabitants of these two planets would be leaving with the launch. Many would have to stay and see the edge of a swelling sun before it incinerates them and all they knew.
I went to the center of this dying star and waited. Because my anatomic system immediately transforms to be compatible with any environment, I felt only a slight variation in pressure as the star began to swell. The swelling was rapid and increased at a rate well passed the speed of light. In what seemed like moments it was over – the star was dead.
I emerged to see a planetary system with no visible life forms – the clinging pulse of a stubborn existence rapidly being sucked out of what was once a bright and vibrant system. It was a sad witness, to be sure. Yet as I looked out across that galaxy I could see new star systems just coming into existence – new life just born as death claims an old one. Life and Death, both at the same time: one thing; not two.
Well, Travelers and Kindreds, next time I'll explore some similarities between how we humans function and how galaxies function – let you know what I discover.
Smashwords ebooks:
Greetings to fellow Space Travelers and Kindred Earthbounds. I've just returned from a now dead star at the edge of our universe. Incidentally the star was very much like our Sun in size and had orbiting planets. Two of the orbiting planets were Earthlike – both with intelligent life forms, similar to us earthlings. The inhabitants of both planets were well aware of the imminent death of their life giving star, and were fully informed that it would be the end of their planets and their lives if they should stay.
Launch areas were full of activity – loading Beings, supplies, and equipment into space vehicles; destine for a habitable star system in another galaxy. Not all inhabitants of these two planets would be leaving with the launch. Many would have to stay and see the edge of a swelling sun before it incinerates them and all they knew.
I went to the center of this dying star and waited. Because my anatomic system immediately transforms to be compatible with any environment, I felt only a slight variation in pressure as the star began to swell. The swelling was rapid and increased at a rate well passed the speed of light. In what seemed like moments it was over – the star was dead.
I emerged to see a planetary system with no visible life forms – the clinging pulse of a stubborn existence rapidly being sucked out of what was once a bright and vibrant system. It was a sad witness, to be sure. Yet as I looked out across that galaxy I could see new star systems just coming into existence – new life just born as death claims an old one. Life and Death, both at the same time: one thing; not two.
Well, Travelers and Kindreds, next time I'll explore some similarities between how we humans function and how galaxies function – let you know what I discover.
Smashwords ebooks:
Sunday, March 4, 2012
It is now fashionable to blurt out a racist or sexist mind-set and then offer an apology – there is, more often than not, no attempt to make the apology even sound sincere. Like, "Yeah, I said it, but I did apologize, so get over it." Since I'm not a religious person I am not compelled to accept an apology, particularly one following an intentional insult. If I were in my street-voice I would tell the giver of such an apology where to stuff it.
Some see racism as a moral issue – a matter of moral choice. They assume one can simply choose to commit a racist act or not. They think of themselves and others as moral beings virtually incapable of committing an unconscious racist act. When a racist act is committed they see it as just a moral slip and not likely to happen again. They are often unaware of the intrinsic influence that enables the repetition of racist choices. They go on, from day to day and act to act, living within the myth that they are in control of their moral choices.
Racist individuals, on the other hand, are pure political animals. Political animals move to conserve their own interest to the exclusion of any other considerations. These beings conceal themselves in the ideologies of our institutions: Religion, Law, Politics, Education, Employment, and others. They carry out their terror while cloaked in the costumes of those who serve for the benefit of all.
Racism is an economic/political construct, not just a moral one. It is in fact a planned form of Disenfranchisement, in that it locks a particular group of citizens out of the benefits that flow from the collective wealth created by nature and all citizens. American Racism was created by those who had and still have the will and means to control economic and political power. That power enables them to skim and hoard wealth.
Some voices in this democracy misplace pure Christian values in the foundation of this country – while covering their eyes, ears and minds against the lingering groans of black men chained to trees, eyes sewn open to see their wives and daughters raped, butchered, and their flesh fed to hogs. Black people still reel from the barbarism of a time still in memory. The level of trust and respect within the black family, particularly between the man and woman, is still struggling to find stable footing. Black men, in the eyes of too many women and children, have been publicly shown to be incapable of protecting and providing for them and therefore unnecessary. When all citizens of a nation are wholesome that nation is wholesome. We are a nation so full of promises yet we are sick. Racism is an unwholesome and contagious disease and our nation could inevitably die from that growing sickness.
Adolphus A. Ward
It is now fashionable to blurt out a racist or sexist mind-set and then offer an apology – there is, more often than not, no attempt to make the apology even sound sincere. Like, "Yeah, I said it, but I did apologize, so get over it." Since I'm not a religious person I am not compelled to accept an apology, particularly one following an intentional insult. If I were in my street-voice I would tell the giver of such an apology where to stuff it.
Some see racism as a moral issue – a matter of moral choice. They assume one can simply choose to commit a racist act or not. They think of themselves and others as moral beings virtually incapable of committing an unconscious racist act. When a racist act is committed they see it as just a moral slip and not likely to happen again. They are often unaware of the intrinsic influence that enables the repetition of racist choices. They go on, from day to day and act to act, living within the myth that they are in control of their moral choices.
Racist individuals, on the other hand, are pure political animals. Political animals move to conserve their own interest to the exclusion of any other considerations. These beings conceal themselves in the ideologies of our institutions: Religion, Law, Politics, Education, Employment, and others. They carry out their terror while cloaked in the costumes of those who serve for the benefit of all.
Racism is an economic/political construct, not just a moral one. It is in fact a planned form of Disenfranchisement, in that it locks a particular group of citizens out of the benefits that flow from the collective wealth created by nature and all citizens. American Racism was created by those who had and still have the will and means to control economic and political power. That power enables them to skim and hoard wealth.
Some voices in this democracy misplace pure Christian values in the foundation of this country – while covering their eyes, ears and minds against the lingering groans of black men chained to trees, eyes sewn open to see their wives and daughters raped, butchered, and their flesh fed to hogs. Black people still reel from the barbarism of a time still in memory. The level of trust and respect within the black family, particularly between the man and woman, is still struggling to find stable footing. Black men, in the eyes of too many women and children, have been publicly shown to be incapable of protecting and providing for them and therefore unnecessary. When all citizens of a nation are wholesome that nation is wholesome. We are a nation so full of promises yet we are sick. Racism is an unwholesome and contagious disease and our nation could inevitably die from that growing sickness.
Adolphus A. Ward
Friday, February 17, 2012
ET ADOLPHUS back from earthlike planets.
I just returned from visiting a few hundred earthlike planets in our galaxy and others. Yes, there are tens of millions of planetary systems similar to our own. Each one has its sun at the center of orbiting planets. Each one has at least one habitable planet where intelligent life does exist – some systems have more than one such planet.
Like humans, no star is exactly the same as another. It is also true that no star system is the same as another – each star, with its orbiting planets, is unique. I find this fact fascinating: although people are similar, although stars are similar, although star systems are similar, although planets are similar, each one is unique. Each one was born and will die. Each one exists in a unique space and time – each one never existed before or will ever exist again.
As we humans venture out into the universe in search of star systems closer to their birth than their death, in search of habitable spaces for our ballooning population, the ability to adapt will be a critical necessity. If the human species is to survive the chaotic and violent process of change in universal systems, every unique human trait must be employed – therefore every human being, each one of us, might very well be a key to humans surviving extinction.
As I encountered other intelligent beings in habitable zones, it was apparent that, although similar, they are different in many respects – not just in their physical characteristic but their behavior as well: some are more regarding of each other than humans tend to be, while others are more ruthless than humans know to be. Just as we can't explicitly predict human behavior the behavior of other intelligent beings is even more incomprehensible and unpredictable.
Well, fellow travelers I'm off again to the edge of our universe – this time to be inside a dying star at the end of its life. You earth-bounds look up and think about me once in a while, I'll get your thoughts even though we never meet.
Adolphus A. Ward
I just returned from visiting a few hundred earthlike planets in our galaxy and others. Yes, there are tens of millions of planetary systems similar to our own. Each one has its sun at the center of orbiting planets. Each one has at least one habitable planet where intelligent life does exist – some systems have more than one such planet.
Like humans, no star is exactly the same as another. It is also true that no star system is the same as another – each star, with its orbiting planets, is unique. I find this fact fascinating: although people are similar, although stars are similar, although star systems are similar, although planets are similar, each one is unique. Each one was born and will die. Each one exists in a unique space and time – each one never existed before or will ever exist again.
As we humans venture out into the universe in search of star systems closer to their birth than their death, in search of habitable spaces for our ballooning population, the ability to adapt will be a critical necessity. If the human species is to survive the chaotic and violent process of change in universal systems, every unique human trait must be employed – therefore every human being, each one of us, might very well be a key to humans surviving extinction.
As I encountered other intelligent beings in habitable zones, it was apparent that, although similar, they are different in many respects – not just in their physical characteristic but their behavior as well: some are more regarding of each other than humans tend to be, while others are more ruthless than humans know to be. Just as we can't explicitly predict human behavior the behavior of other intelligent beings is even more incomprehensible and unpredictable.
Well, fellow travelers I'm off again to the edge of our universe – this time to be inside a dying star at the end of its life. You earth-bounds look up and think about me once in a while, I'll get your thoughts even though we never meet.
Adolphus A. Ward
Thursday, February 9, 2012
There are systemic obstacles that stand in the way of social, political, and economic progress for African Americans. These obstacles must be identified and critically examined. Middle-class and poor African Americans should be the exclusively focus of the examination. A private group of five (5) – critical analysts – should be formed to structure and conduct the examination.
I've conceptualized a model that could be used to structure and conduct the analysis. I use the acronym L. E. E. – Law, Education, Employment. The question that could be put in the hands of the group is: What in the Law, what in Education, what in Employment slows or blocks the efforts of Black Americans to better their lives?
When the committee has completed its work the findings would be given to the public, to legislators, to educators, and employers – with recommendations for rooting out the obstacles that slow or block the progress of African Americans. This effort would not fit well in a standing (public) institution because of the obvious political constraints. I know that I neither have the economic, social, and political standing, nor, I fear, the intellect to construct the analyst group. So, if this speculation has any value worth carrying forward someone else will have to do it.
Adophus A. Ward
There are systemic obstacles that stand in the way of social, political, and economic progress for African Americans. These obstacles must be identified and critically examined. Middle-class and poor African Americans should be the exclusively focus of the examination. A private group of five (5) – critical analysts – should be formed to structure and conduct the examination.
I've conceptualized a model that could be used to structure and conduct the analysis. I use the acronym L. E. E. – Law, Education, Employment. The question that could be put in the hands of the group is: What in the Law, what in Education, what in Employment slows or blocks the efforts of Black Americans to better their lives?
When the committee has completed its work the findings would be given to the public, to legislators, to educators, and employers – with recommendations for rooting out the obstacles that slow or block the progress of African Americans. This effort would not fit well in a standing (public) institution because of the obvious political constraints. I know that I neither have the economic, social, and political standing, nor, I fear, the intellect to construct the analyst group. So, if this speculation has any value worth carrying forward someone else will have to do it.
Adophus A. Ward
Sunday, February 5, 2012
ET ADOLPHUS with a note
This is ET Adolphus saying hello to fellow travelers and you unfortunate earth-bounds. Just took a look at myself in a pool of water on a Martian moon. I am indeed an extraterrestrial – bags underneath my eyes and chin, my head's going bald, my elbows and knees of knobbier, and my skin is cold and beginning to shrivel and crack like a planet too far away from the sun. Earth-bounds might see this as horrible but travelers know it's the way it should be – I've been traveling at speeds well beyond that of light for more than ten thousand years and I am just now mature enough to explore other universes. Well, I'm off to visit those earth-like planets scientist think may be habitable for human-kind – I'll let you know what I find.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
A few years back I wrote an essay suggesting that young black men in prison are there because want to be. In the essay I suggested that the hard work of learning an employable skill was more than they wanted to undertake, so they chose the risky and quick way to making money – knowing, or at lease expecting, they would end up behind bars. I went on to suggest that prison takes these YBM out of the hard-work of having to earn a legal living while at the same time providing a handy excuse why they can't ever be productive members in a community. My speculation was and is born out of the notion that we, all of us, make choices; we choose the course our lives take. Yes, the social, political, and economic processes in America are constructed to limit those choices – to obstruct the progress of black people; but we can overcome those obstacles. Just one suggestion – what do you suppose would happen if a group of young black men went to a learning institution demanding to be enrolled in a specific course of skill development; a course that would lead to a good job at its completion? This country is willing to build more prisons it can just as easily build more classrooms, hire more teachers. Sleep on it
Thursday, January 19, 2012
I've never been hungry, without a bed or roof over head. I'm now retired, and children are all grown, so I write and act to supplement my income. During all of my working life I've never been out of work long enough to exhaust compensation. I have skills that have and will always enable me to feed and house myself. But I've been close enough to poverty to know its despair, its pain, its hopelessness – to know that poverty doesn't come in colors, to discover that it has no compassion for a child or an elder person. Poverty is here in America. We may choose not to see it but it is here among us; and poverty is the insidious infection which will corrupt the health of all Americans – our enemies aren’t who will kill the American dream, it's our own poverty.
I've never been hungry, without a bed or roof over head. I'm now retired, and children are all grown, so I write and act to supplement my income. During all of my working life I've never been out of work long enough to exhaust compensation. I have skills that have and will always enable me to feed and house myself. But I've been close enough to poverty to know its despair, its pain, its hopelessness – to know that poverty doesn't come in colors, to discover that it has no compassion for a child or an elder person. Poverty is here in America. We may choose not to see it but it is here among us; and poverty is the insidious infection which will corrupt the health of all Americans – our enemies aren’t who will kill the American dream, it's our own poverty.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Definition Exclusion Isolation Annihilation
from Definition to Exclusion to Isolation to Annihilation.
I have come to the conclusion that all organizations define themselves by exclusion. In an effort to claim a unique spot of ground on which to stake its claim, an organization continually edits its definition, further excluding itself from all others, and thereby further isolating itself.
For the purpose of this essay an organization is any formal or informal group of people who define themselves in the same way, who follow the same beliefs, and who share common objectives. By this definition a government is an organization, a religion is an organization – any group of people meeting the definition is an organization.
On face organization-definition is innocuous – not harmful. For an organization to be identifiable among many, a unique definition seems unavoidable. However, when that definition moves beyond its name and mailing address and enters the realms of beliefs and objectives, I believe that a form of isolation sets in and becomes injurious to the organization and to those not within it.
When an organization feels isolated it begins to see the world outside itself as hostile and will eventually seek to annihilate it – leading to its own annihilation.
Adolphus A. Ward
from Definition to Exclusion to Isolation to Annihilation.
I have come to the conclusion that all organizations define themselves by exclusion. In an effort to claim a unique spot of ground on which to stake its claim, an organization continually edits its definition, further excluding itself from all others, and thereby further isolating itself.
For the purpose of this essay an organization is any formal or informal group of people who define themselves in the same way, who follow the same beliefs, and who share common objectives. By this definition a government is an organization, a religion is an organization – any group of people meeting the definition is an organization.
On face organization-definition is innocuous – not harmful. For an organization to be identifiable among many, a unique definition seems unavoidable. However, when that definition moves beyond its name and mailing address and enters the realms of beliefs and objectives, I believe that a form of isolation sets in and becomes injurious to the organization and to those not within it.
When an organization feels isolated it begins to see the world outside itself as hostile and will eventually seek to annihilate it – leading to its own annihilation.
Adolphus A. Ward
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