Monday, July 25, 2016


THOUGHTS ON RACISM AND FOOLISM – REQUISITS TO GENOCIDE It’s Sunday, the week day I normally do nothing; I usually try to put my urge to write or do research to sleep and just let my mind go on pause. Try as I may, some Sundays my mind just won’t click off. Today I found myself reviewing documentaries on genocide. It might surprise some to discover that millions of human beings have been butchered in genocides: more than all the wars in the same period. Some may not know that genocide is not a spontaneous event. The insanity festers some times for years before it erupts. Some may not know that genocide always involves two groups of people; it may not be known by many that one group always sees the other as its enemy – as the source of its pain and suffering. Over time the identity of the groups and their differences become common knowledge. When the destructive power in each group is equal or near that, genocide is not a promising choice of action. The two groups will learn to live with the tension. When one group has more destructive power than the other the weaker group is vulnerable and ripe for genocide. Genocide is a choice made by the top people of a sovereign power. Diplomacy and prayer will not prevent or stop genocide. Superior destructive power is the only preventing method. I think all Americans are aware that the conditions for genocide exist here in our country. White and black people are the major players. Although both groups see the other as their source of pain and suffering, white people control overwhelming destructive power. Racism is coddled at the top of our government and that inspires Foolism in the population and all American institutions. Foolism is when a white person performs harmful acts against a black person knowing that racism is passively condoned by our government; and believing there is no power to oppose him or her. How else can one understand a white man slamming a black girl to the ground to control her, white men breaking the neck of a black boy to control him, white men shooting black boys to control them: how else can one see a black boy’s body full of holes and not believe the white people involved intended for him never to live again. Foolism must be forcibly prevented from the top to the bottom of our government and in all of its institutions if the specter of genocide is to be vanquished. MY EBOOKS ON AMAZON – please share

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


THOUGHTS ON KILLING COPS FOR KILLING BLACK PEOPLE – an untargeted drone vendetta For moral and practical reasons I’m against the indiscriminate killing of anyone: for moral reasons because indiscriminate killing corrupts the spiritual urge in most humans to protect each other; for practical reasons because we now have the weapons to kill us all. There are a couple myths about the behavior of white and black people toward each other I think may be feeding the increasing racial tension. One is the notion that white people are afraid of black people because we are black – I think this myth contains some truth. What feeds this fear, however, is not black skin but the awareness of past and present injustices done to black people and, more importantly, the expectation of retribution. Another myth is that the mission of police officers is to protect and serve. The mission to protect and serve is an ideal yet to be fully realized; it is an ideal still maturing. The legacy of racism still informs and influences the behavior of law enforcers; that legacy, when considering black and other nonwhite people, was and is, to some extent, not to protect and serve but to contain and control. Law enforcers have always used brutality to instill fear because that fear proved to be an effective means to contain and control. However, over the past two generations fear has lost its power to contain and control. In spite of the threatening armament of law enforcers and the menacing growl of drones, people now are more eager to confront injustice; people are no longer afraid to die.

Saturday, July 9, 2016


THOUGHTS ON COPS SHOOTING AND BEING SHOT – race caused each and each caused the other I respectfully offer condolences and empathy to the families and consolers of those who were slain or wounded. I’m only adding a few drops to the ocean of emotions already expressed here on Face Book and other media. I am not shocked by the actions of the shooters; given the state of race relations in our country their actions were and are predictable. Race was is and will continue to be a volatile issue until We, I’ll say it again, We, decide to remove the inequalities in our laws, law enforcement, governing policies, and social practice. America didn’t just become a racist country; it was born in racism. In so far as race is concern America was never great. We don’t want to take America back to a racially divided country. America’s greatness is right now being pushed into being. If We, America, accept the challenge and push on to removing the barriers that separate us by race – Americans will eventually experience the true taste of greatness. The fate of America is in our, all Americans, hands. Pray if you must but the hard work is still ours to do – otherwise it will never be done.