Tuesday, March 29, 2016


THOUGHTS ON SEXUAL PREFERENCE AND CHOICE OF COUNTRY There are two positions preached and propagated by leading voices in the black community that I disagree with. One is that the acceptance of a diverse sexuality is destroying the black family; gays, lesbians and other folks along a sexual continuum are preventing healthy black family relationships – at best it’s not true; at worse it’s a lie. One doesn’t have to look further than history to find the opposite. Since the beginning of life, whether you chose the “Big Bang” or “Let There Be,” gender and sexual preference have been diverse and sometimes baffling so; yet the black family survives and proliferates. The second position of these voices is that black folks are so in love with whites they can’t bear to leave their former slave masters; that they refuse to leave America for Africa or a State of their own in order to remain near their masters – no matter the condition. I don’t think the reluctance to leave this country has anything to do with the love for white people. Here, I leave the direction of my thought to make an important point: Black men and women select white companions because they choose to not because other whites don’t want them – damn, I shouldn’t have to say that. Now back to leaving the country or not. Black people aren’t as short on brains as we sometimes seem to be. Where it is true that many black expatriates live abroad it is also true that many black Americans have left, failed to adapt, and returned. Changing cultures and continents require more thought than just saying “I’m going.” THINK! Don’t just get on anyone’s boat without first THINKING!!!! http://www.adolphusward.net http://www.amazon.com/Adolphus-A.-Ward/e/B00OSDSSRC

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


THOUGHTS ON WHAT RELIGIOUS FAITH AND NARCOTICS HAVE IN COMMON Where ever one finds a high level of physical pain or mental anxiety one will find a high level of religious faith and the use of narcotics. The reason for this interdependent relationship is not that difficult to understand. No one likes pain or the feeling of anxiety; so we reach for anything that promises relief from them. Religion, unlike narcotics, promises the resolution of all pain and anxiety and adds an afterlife of bliss. Narcotic tries to match that claim by dulling the pain and anxiety and by slowing the ageing process; cryonics is an example – sub-freezing a human body then returning it to its natural state years later: thus staying young, like in heaven. I have this notion about life and whatever condition I find myself in – I did or am doing more to contribute to that condition than anyone else. Or put another way, I should be doing more to contribute to my condition than anyone else. No amount of faith or narcotics will free one of pain or anxiety – heaven (bliss) does not nor will it ever exist. As human beings, we will either accept the fact that our fate is in our hands or we will continue to suffer waiting for bliss to be given us. http://www.adolphusward.net http://www.amazon.com/Adolphus-A.-Ward/e/B00OSDSSRC

Sunday, March 20, 2016


THOUGHTS ON OUR UNIVERSE – MASS AND ENERGY I find it interesting that scientist can only account for 3 to 4% of the mass in our universe – this is derived from what they can see and infer. My disclaimer is that I have no idea what scientist are talking about at a technical level; but that doesn’t stop me from simplifying things for my own understanding. The reason an answer to this puzzle in important is that it takes mass and a certain amount of electromagnetic energy to hold dynamic systems together and stable. Without these forces, the glue, our solar system would fly apart - so would our galaxy and our universe. Considering the human organism, with too much or too little of these forces our bodies would simply be crushed or explode – lucky for us we’re in just the right spot to remain alive. So, if what we can see in our universe is not enough to keep it together where the hell is the rest of the stuff – the necessary glue? Could this have something to do with why our universe is expanding? The what, why, and how (?) of things is fascinating - I enjoy the process of thinking. I hope young people are developing the ability to think critically, because the solutions to science related questions can germinate well in young minds. http://www.adolphusward.net http://www.amazon.com/Adolphus-A.-Ward/e/B00OSDSSRC

Saturday, March 19, 2016


THOUGHTS COME IN BUNCHES My thoughts do come in bunches. Up early this morning, out in the SF Valley’s warm sun and cool air. Even before I inhaled my first volume of life sustainer I thought about how valuable life is; I’ve known for a very long time that life beats the fuck out of dead. No matter how sweet the “better place” people try to make death taste, I simply don’t believe that that bitter nothingness even comes close to the here and now. Since I don’t believe in a heaven or hell I’m putting my energies to use developing and sharing my passions with others – Now! Inside my passion for life is my passion for writing and acting. I’m an independent writer of Historical Family Fiction; I have three books in Print, Ebook, and Audio Book. If you live in or near the SF Valley or expect to be passing through be sure to visit the Crown Bookstore next to Maggiano’s at the Promenade. Crown has a section devoted to local authors – my trilogy of books is in that section. THANKS CROWN!! Inside my passion for life is my passion for acting. Like most professional actors, the lack of opportunity on stage or in film doesn’t slow down or stop an actor’s creative process. I’m now working on a solo performance in which I’ll live the lives of characters from each of my three books. The title of this creation is “THREE NOVELS SPEAK.” History within a Story: good for theatres, schools, churches, community organizations and other venues. http://www.adolphusward.net http://www.amazon.com/Adolphus-A.-Ward/e/B00OSDSSRC

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


THOUGHTS ON BENEFICIARIES OF RACISM In spite of the seemingly race neutral language in the founding documents of these United States America was conceived and constructed as a haven for the White Race. Racism was developed as a tool to ensure that fact. Laws and social policies were implemented and enforced to ensure that non-white races would never enjoy the same benefits as the white race. The legal and most genocidal tool of racism was (is) slavery – intended to exploit and destroy body and mind. For those who had the resilience and audacity to survived this genocide a perpetual set of crippling ordeals still awaited (awaits) them: blacks have no rights whites must respect; blacks off the street and out of sight before sunset; blacks don’t look a white man in the eye; blacks don’t look at or talk to a white woman; Negroes can’t work here, live here, go to school here, get a loan here, vote here. The Founding Fathers and Mothers made White People the beneficiaries of racism – it is what whites have been bequeathed. Even during slavery some whites rejected their inheritance; most, however, expected and enjoyed the benefits – the white anger we see today is a reaction to the loss of racist benefits. Today we see more whites rejecting the benefits of racism – that’s a good sign: volatile but good. http://www.adolphusward.net http://www.amazon.com/Adolphus-A.-Ward/e/B00OSDSSRC

Saturday, March 12, 2016


THOUGHTS ON TRUMP AND POLITICAL POWER The success of Donald Trump’s skillful maneuver into American political leadership is only a mystery to the politically naïve – most of us are politically naïve. There are two major blind spots in our naiveté. The first is our adulation of wealthy people – wealth is often thought to be preordained by God; and the person possessing it chosen and preferred by that God. Many want to be as close to God as possible and so will do whatever a wealthy person wants done. The second major blind spot is the notion that racism is neutralized by the passage of time; racism is unaffected by time – racism is a political tool in the hands of a dominant group: that tool is designed to secure and keep power. A dominant group never relinquishes power willingly. The reason it appears that racism is intensifying is that blacks and other peoples of color are fighting racist tendencies that deny life livelihood and personal choices of happiness. http://www.adolphusward.net http://www.amazon.com/Adolphus-A.-Ward/e/B00OSDSSRC

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


THOUGHTS ABOUT WHAT I’M DOING I’ve said it often but I’ll say it again, I’m a writer of historical family fiction – I tell stories. I’m also an actor who lives the lives of story characters on stage and in front of a camera. I’ve written a trilogy of novels about three generations of the same family. My stories are fiction but the historical events the time and the places are real. I’m now working on a solo performance; the script writing is done – some editing will follow. The title of the piece is “THREE NOVELS SPEAK.” I will assume the lives and voices of characters from each novel – they will tell their story. I envision “THREE NOVELS SPEAK” being performed in theatres schools churches community centers and other places where people gather to experience the lives of others whom they know little or nothing about. http://www.adolphusward.net http://www.amazon.com/Adolphus-A.-Ward/e/B00OSDSSRC

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


THOUGHTS ON BLACK FILM AND STAGE WORKERS Black people know more about the lives of white people than white people know about black life. This is not a new thought but one that should be repeated often. There’s a reason for this difference in white and black thought. Black people have been forced to learn about white history white science white literature white art white Gods. White people have not been required to know anything about black people but have been fed a constant stream of stereotypes by media makers. The obvious intent for this is to maintain a position of dominance. All media, including that in stage and film, is created from a position of dominance – and to that extent is propaganda. Where black media workers tend to think altruistically about their work white media maker think politically – maintaining dominance. The most reliable and durable way to get more black faces in media is to produce more stories about black life. Black people must move away from altruism to political thought – what must be done for the survival and progress of the black race. MY BOOKS /ACTING ON MY WEB SITE – please share http://www.adolphusward.net