Thursday, December 29, 2016

STAND UPSIDE DOWN - historical black family fiction

STAND UPSIDE DOWN is Book 3 of historical black family fiction and is set in Kenosha, Wisconsin – 1984. This is the time when Affirmative Action is under siege. Following President Reagan’s lead, white men strove to undo affirmation action gains by law and by force. Go to,, for more information – PLEASE SHARE.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

MILK THE IRON COW - historical black family fiction

MILK THE IRON COW is Book 2 of historical black family fiction and is set in Milwaukee, Wisconsin – early 1941. It is the eve of World War II; the time when black families were leaving farms in the south for work in northern factories. Black men were denied employment and barred from union membership. Go to,,, for more information – PLEASE SHARE.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

HARVEST THE DUST - historical black family fiction

HARVEST THE DUST is Book 1 of historical black family fiction and is set in Arkansas – 1934. It is the time when Jim Crow Laws governed the lives of black people – what they could and could not do; where, when and how they could do it. The Great Depression was devastating the nation’s economy; cotton was the staple crop; and Arkansas’ fertile land had turned to dust. Go to,, for more information – PLEASE SHARE.

Monday, December 26, 2016


THOUGHTS ABOUT RISK AND DEATH - mourning the loss of my great granddaughter: no way back I believe the grieving process takes many forms. All forms, however, have one thing in common; each tries to fill the hole in a mourner’s life left by the passing of someone close to them. I’ve come to know that death is a cold hearted motherfucker – but it treats everyone the same. It doesn’t give a damn about who you are or the fervency of your mournful prayers. Death don’t hear a fucking thing a living person says about what it’s done, the grief it’s caused – death neither communicates with the living nor the dead. We should be careful how and when we risk our lives. There is no life after death – no bliss, ever.

Friday, December 23, 2016

STAND UPSIDE DOWN - historical black family fiction

STAND UPSIDE DOWN is Book 3 of historical black family fiction and is set in Kenosha, Wisconsin – 1984. This is the time when Affirmative Action is under siege. Following President Reagan’s lead, white men strove to undo affirmation action gains by law and by force. Go to,, for more information – PLEASE SHARE.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

MILK THE IRON COW - historical black family fiction

MILK THE IRON COW is Book 2 of historical black family fiction and is set in Milwaukee, Wisconsin – early 1941. It is the eve of World War II; the time when black families were leaving farms in the south for work in northern factories. Black men were denied employment and barred from union membership. Go to,,, for more information – PLEASE SHARE.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

HARVEST THE DUST - historical black family fiction

HARVEST THE DUST is Book 1 of historical black family fiction and is set in Arkansas – 1934. It is the time when Jim Crow Laws governed the lives of black people – what they could and could not do; where, when and how they could do it. The Great Depression was devastating the nation’s economy; cotton was the staple crop; and Arkansas’ fertile land had turned to dust. Go to,, for more information – PLEASE SHARE.

Monday, December 19, 2016


THOUGHTS WHY POLITICAL POWER WINS OVER CONSTITUTION AND LAW – power does not belong to the people Political power is in the hands of those with the resources to enforce their will on all others. Political power has never been in the hands of the masses. Some in the masses continue to delude themselves by thinking that their numbers constitute the power to exert their will: that is not nor will it ever be true. People in that delusion will continue to be frustrated – that frustration will never end. Our Constitution was written by human beings as are our Laws. Human beings are flawed, even those with the best of intentions. It should not be surprising then that what imperfect humans produce from an imperfect language is itself imperfect. Subsequently, our Constitution and our Laws are open to conflicting interpretations. The winners in these conflicts will inevitably be those who hold political power. Political power holders are like snowballs rolling down a steep slope covered with a thick carpet of masses. Some in the masses will be picked up by the growing snowballs – they will become converts of the politically powerful, even against their will. Take, for example, the white people who were and are against the treatment of black people – Slavery, Jim Crow Laws, ongoing injustice – because there was and are benefits to do so they can close their eyes against the injustice. Another example is the interments of Japanese Americans during the WW II. Another example is German masses and the Jew’s Holocaust. Still another example is Israel’s masses and the occupation of Palestine. In all of these and more the politically powerful was and is able to change the good intentions of the masses by offering benefits for their conversion. The politically powerful will always moves to benefit them self; members of the masses will always join the powerful when they too will benefit. BOOKS /ACTING CREDITS ON MY WEB SITE – please share

Monday, December 12, 2016


THOUGHTS ABOUT FENCES AT LAPC THEATRE MAINSTAGE Woodland Hills, CA – closing Sunday matinee I was seated early enough to page through the program. Seeing the name Valorie Grear and discovering she’s a white woman my heart skipped a beat. I always experience a twinge of ambivalence whenever a white person is directing or living, on stage or camera, the life of a black person. August Wilson is a recently departed ancestral spirit; and his being is entombed in all of his work. His works are chronicles of black life; his plays are international treasures and their truth is timeless. My ambivalence about whites doing blacks stems from the fact that black life has been immersed in a predominantly white culture. Black people know more about the life of white people than most whites will ever know about blacks; that’s because blacks have been forced to adapt and to adopt white cultural traits and beliefs. In order for one to realistically portray or direct a life from a culture other than their own that person must be immersed in that culture long enough to internalize its nuances. There is but one other circumstance which would allow a black person to be white or a white person to be black: the culture receiving a culturally different person must embraced them and develop an atmosphere of trust. It was apparent to me that the souls comprising the cast embraced director Valorie Grear, developed and maintained an atmosphere of trust. This performance of Fences was seamless – a manifestation of good directing. Naming the cast and the lives they lived: Lester Purry/Troy Maxson, Kevin Linell/Lyons, Victoria Renee’ Hubbard/Rose, Stan McDowell/Bono, Cliff Keith Ingram/Gabriel, Jean Hyppolite/Cory, and Kiarra Gagrielle Beasley/Raynell. To say the cast was exceptional would be an understatement. The synergy Y’all created allowed me to witness life in real time – thanks. Now, Lester Purry, your years of training and experience and depth of your soul enabled you to set the power and life-force of this Fences; you were relentless as Troy and did not waver from the life course he set for himself – because it felt right in his heart: I solute you and will always continue to love you.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


THOUGHTS ABOUT WHY NO END TO BLACK STRUGGLE – no change until we change If you’re black and reading this please don’t anticipate some illuminating thought that will answer the Why question or give an ultimate answer as to How we must change. If you’re white and reading this please don’t look to what other black people have said for a comparison to what I will say about the Why and the How. It’s not that what I will say is any more important than what has been said; but the way I say it is created out of my experiences and, in that respect, it is unique. As always, I do not seek agreement with the thoughts I share – I frankly don’t give damn if you agree or not. After I give something, whether material or words, it no longer belong to me; when I give it is without expecting anything in return. We, black people, have been and still are the most beautiful, the most resilient human beings ever to come into existence. Our total being was designed and has adapted to meet all challenges in our immediate environment and will take us beyond. Nothing in all of existence has been able to stop our development, our evolution: and nothing or no one ever will. The rich and powerful white men that control this country’s political, economic systems also control our educational and research systems. Those systems have been use to fashion a negative universal image of black people and have created the environment in which that image takes on a life of its own; just as the world believes the false images of black people, we, black people also believe those images. When a lie is set in a fertile environment, beliefs can and do lead to reality. This may fall hard on tender ears, but we are behaving as we have been conditioned to behave. We are participating in a game designed by a white oppressor group (WOG). The aim of the WOG is to fragment our thinking, to splinter our beliefs, to reduce our collective resources so that we will never come to a consensus about what is most important for black survival and progress. The following may also be difficult for tender ears to hear; religion is a major tool of oppression used by the WOG; law is another, political affiliation another, gender bias another, class bias, skin color, and the list goes on. We must think outside the WOG’S game to develop our own game for survival and progress. We must find consensus among ourselves in order to build a new image of black people – first for ourselves and then for the world. Black people devoted to a particular religious group, or even a collective of such groups, cannot create a consensus for all black people; however, their faith can be a tool in developing one, as can the law, political affiliation, education, but no one or all together will bring us to the realization that we are a unique, a beautiful, a resilient people who have proven skills at meeting and overcoming the formidable challenges we have faced during the whole of our existence – and no WOG’S childish games will keep us slaves at the bottom of humanity. MILK THE IRON COW: Trailer – please share

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


THOUGHTS ABOUT AN ANTISEPTIC VISION OF THE CAPITAL – redoing the White House The first black resident family is gone. On the front lawn, figures in white protective suits scurry about – like astronauts – carrying black objects, large and small, from inside the White House and throwing them onto the pile of black objects already there. A squad of figures, also dressed in white, carried gun-like weapons connected to tanks, labelled Hazardous material, mounted on their backs crossed the lawn and entered the portal. A few white figures scurried away from the portal carrying the last of the black objects. Figures encircled the pile of black things as those inside came to windows – all stood in silence as if in grief. Suddenly the pile of black things burst into violent flames. As it did the silent grief transformed to hypnotic jubilation that continued until the black things were all burned to white ash. STAND UPSIDE DOWN: Trailer – please share

Friday, December 2, 2016


THOUGHTS ABOUT AMERICAN BUSINESS & GOVERNMENT INTEREST – American workers expectation I’m going to say somethings that may be difficult for some readers to believe, but I assure you that what I’m saying is not without some bases: I come to this conclusion both from experience and observation. I start first with the expectation of the average American worker, no matter the race or sex. I’m considering those preparing to enter the workplace and those with some experience but whose skills no longer keeps him or her working steady, if at all, in a livable wage-paying job. In spite of layoffs, plant closings, attacks on unions, employee wage and retirement benefits, the average American worker still believes that American business and government is looking out for citizen workers; that American business and government cares what happens to them. The truth is, business and government cares as much as they can or is willing to; and that care does not come close to meeting the needs of the average American worker. For the most part the American worker is still on his or her own! The interest of American business and government has been broken into two unequal areas. The smallest area, this is small business and local government, has been left alone to try and meet the needs of the average citizen worker. Small business and local government does not nor will they ever have all the resources to meet those needs. Meanwhile in the biggest areas, this is big business and big government, the focus and ambition is to create wealth and power for those who contribute most to the creation of wealth and power. It is not the interest of big business and big government to attend to the needs of average American citizen workers: they are but pawns in the game of creating wealth and power. MY EBOOKS ON AMAZON – please share