Friday, August 30, 2019


THOUGHTS ABOU MY LATEST NOVEL – different times same living [DIFFERENT ROADS SAME STOPS] is the title of my latest book. It’s about three (3) generations of the same family. It’s about their social lives their work lives their sex lives and what they do to overcome the obstacles that get in the way to a better life. I use large print in this book which makes it very easy to read–even if you don’t read often. If you like a good story you’ll love this book. It is in softcover and e-book. Go to for your copy–buy one as a gift to someone you care about. THANK YOU!

Friday, August 23, 2019


THOUGHTS ABOUT REPARATION NOW – ADOS LEADS The notion of reparation is almost as old as government regulated injustice here in the United States. Slavery and the laws and policies governing the behavior of former slaves have kept reparation in conversations about race; but until recent those conversations have been little more than a moral discussion—an appeal to the goodness of those able to do more than talk about it. Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore gave reparation a political life with a political identity and purpose. The specific identity of this group of black citizens is the American Descendants of Slavery–ADOS. The purpose of this group is to seek justifiable redress through the courts for grave harm done to slaves and their descendants. This is to be an economic—money—claim, not just an official apology. One would expect there to be few black objections to such a claim but that is not the case. There are blacks who object to the claim and its source on personal grounds. I think reparation is a justifiable claim and deserves the support of all descendants of slaves and all reasonable thinking citizens.