Friday, January 12, 2018


THOUGHTS ABOUT THE AUDACITY OF RACISM – unchecked racism fosters violence Bold racism is not a new thing to black people or those of color – slavery, the indiscriminate slaughter of non-whites; the legal deprivation of basic human rights is still fresh in the minds of black people; it is even evident to clear thinking white people. It’s really good to see so many white people take visible stands against our racist president. This behavior, however, has not been consistent; and that makes me wonder if the white reaction is more out of being embarrassed by the vulgar racist behavior of a white president than a genuine concern for the well-being of black people. Extending this notion a little further, history shows that when whites stand to benefit from racism their voices grow weak. I am not one of those who believe racism is like a common cold – love, hot lemon tea, an aspirin and bed rest will cure it. I’ve come to believe that people do what they want to not because they can’t help it but because they perceive a benefit. A racist seeks to dominate and control anyone not like him; a racist, left unchecked, will physically destroy anyone who stands in the way of his complete domination and control. This brings me to the necessary use of violence. More than a few white men have tried to provoke an all-out race war they see as inevitable. When one has intentionally harmed another there is fear and expectation of retaliation. Because of the overwhelming power in white hands blacks have wisely followed a non-violent path of retaliation. But racist should not be deceived by our perceived passivity for we not only die well but also kill well. Our racist president is continuing with his vulgar provocation to create race and class conflict in order to deflect the attention of Americans and the world away from his blatant ineptness for the seat he shits on.