Monday, June 26, 2017


THOUGHTS ABOUT GIVING ADVICE ON AGING – don’t ask for it I’m at that gray, bent, withering age where people add sir to what is said; women hold doors for me, and cars actually stop and wait for me to cross. I love it – age does have its benefits. The other day while checking out in a grocery line the male scanning my items stopped and asked, in a smiling voice, “Sir, how old are you?” I gave him my smiling 82 years and watched his face fill with amazement. “I hope I live that long,” he said. I didn’t say it but I thought: some of the shit I’ve done might kill you long before 82. Later, with groceries in hand I entered my apartment complex and was greeted with, “How are you today, sir?” Before I could reply, seeing my food items, he continues, “I see why you’re in such good health, at your age. I thanked him; thought it but didn’t say it: if you consume as much fat sugar and salt as I have you may not make it. My drug of choice it alcohol; hated doing lines, my sinuses screamed ‘what the fuck.’ Hated when the joint got to me; apparently my lungs and sinuses had reached an agreement. Alcohol wasn’t that much better but it seemed the least destructive; even though there were times I couldn’t find my ass with both hands. I had so much sex at one time in life my tongue and dick just quit. So I hope no one ever asked my advice for long living – I just might tell them.

Thursday, June 15, 2017


THOUGHTS ABOUT NIGGER – THE WORD The etymology (history) of the word nigger is not the focus of my comments; what is of concern to me is how the word is being given the increasing-power it now has by the futile efforts to outlaw and bury its use in language and literature. The word will not be drummed out of world languages and literatures by verbal nor written condemnations. No inquisitions backed by armed enforcers will rip violating tongues out by their roots or pages from books. I really don’t intend to be insensitive when I say NIGGER ain’t going away soon. I just think there are more important issues black people need to be dealing with. The acceptable hashtag version, N-word still says NIGGER.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


THOUGHTS ABOUT NEIGHBORHOOD PREDATORS – thinking black After living in urban, residential, and rural areas of this country and one other I’ve learned a few things about the predatory nature of some people; I’m talking about the neighborhood predator – that person(s) who lives in the neighborhood and feeds on people who s/he lives next to, laughs and talks with, smokes and drinks with, goes to church and prays with: waiting for the moment when a neighbor’s back is turned, waiting till darkness hides their intended treachery. A neighborhood predator(s) can only be stopped by another neighbor(s). If left unchecked predators grow bolder; s/he will not wait for darkness to cloak h/er, will not wait till a back is turned, they will take the property and life of a neighbor while making no effort to cover their face. Unlike other animals that stop killing and feeding themselves when their hunger is satisfied, like parasites, neighborhood predator will continue their blood lust till there’s no one left to feed on before feeding on each other. Pleading and praying will not stop a predator, s/he only understands and responds to brute force.