Sunday, September 29, 2019


THOUGHTS ABOUT COPING WITH STRESS – it can make you sick or kill I fashioned my master’s degree to assist adults in their efforts to live effective and efficient lives. As any educator knows in trying to help others improve their lives the quality of my life was enhanced. Through research and living I learned that stress was often a silent killer. Until we know better most of us mask stress with avoidance, medication or other habit forming, health debilitating, drugs. Please consider my set of stress coping tools. Fist, stress is unavoidable–it is like the air we breathe. And like the air it can be polluting to our physical and mental systems. Decide what can harm you. If it can’t hurt or kill you–fuck it. Second, get rid of what is stressing you out. Third, learn to cope with what you can’t get rid of. This is where it gets tricky. Keep in mind that it’s not the irritant that causes stress it’s your reaction to it. So, you are in control of your stress in any situation. Realizing you’re in control gives you the power to make decisions to avoid or live with the negative effects of stress.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


THOUGHTS ABOUT TIME AND MEANS A CHANCE TO GROW – means allows growth One of the notions that drove the creation of my new novel and perhaps all of my work is the fact that one needs time and means to grow before growth can take place. When one is hemorrhaging the first task is to stop the blood not to eat something. When one is preoccupied with stopping pain it is next to impossible to have sex or even be romantic. Personal growth requires time and means. When one’s road in life is beset by obstacles which consumes one’s time and means, little or no resource remains for one’s personal growth. Fighting race discrimination consumes time and means leaving little or no time or means for growth–no time to hug a child, no time to dance, no time to talk, to take a walk in a park, no time to laugh, or time to make love and not just fuck. [DIFFERENT ROADS SAME STOPS]

Sunday, September 8, 2019


THOUGHTS ABOUT REPARATION–AN I OR WE QUESTION–reparation is not for an individual Reparation is not about injustice done to a single individual. So an individual responding to a question on their desire or need for reparation should be without determining value–an individual is not the true voice of a group. The true voice should come from the group of individuals who suffered the grave injury of injustice and the effects of it. American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) is that true voice. Reference to reparation should never leave political forums where the important concerns of government are being discussed. The forms of reparation may be difficult to determine but can be worked out just as can the source of funds. It should be obvious that the payment of the United States Debt to ADOS would be stretched out over generations. The time to begin reparation is now.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


THOUGHTS ABOUT ADOS VERSUS AFRICAN PEOPLES – unnecessary tension I am a part of the ADOS family; but the comments that follow are my own–in short, I don’t speak for ADOS. When I look at black Africans, no matter the country of origin, I can’t help but see myself in them–it’s a little like looking into a mirror: more often than not I just smile. It annoys me a bit when an African or Caribbean sees him/herself as superior to an American black purely on the basses of origin. That kind of elitism is an adoption and adaptation of white racism. It’s kind of like me talking with a black person who thinks he/she’s white while ignoring their common blackness. Some American blacks too adopt and adapt this pathology. The true mark of intelligence and respect for others is when asked a question outside of one’s actual experience is to defer the question to a person with the experience. Looking at the yes or no question of reparation for American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS), an actual descendant is obviously the better source of response to the question. Persons without the experience should just close their mouths and let experience inform them. There is clear evidence of elitism and ignorance when the political view on a subject is identical to that of the controlling, racist, policies of a country. The legislative process of our country should not be silent on the subject of reparation–legislative silence is evidence of no-will to heal those who have been gravely harmed by generational government policies. Reparation has to be on the political agenda of the United States in order for the pain and suffering endured by ADOS to ever be relieved. Only government policy can award and maintain the guarantee of full citizenship.