Tuesday, February 12, 2019

THOUGHTS ABOUT ADOS (American Descendants of Slaves) AND REPARATION

THOUGHTS ABOUT ADOS as an IDENTITY and REPARATION as a REMEDY As an ADOS (AMERICAN DESCENDANT OF SLAVES) I have reluctantly tolerated ambivalent identifiers – Nigger, Negro, Black, African, African American and Person of Color – none of these descriptions satisfied my thirst for a designation that clearly defined me as a unique human being. ADOS is the unique identity that quenched my thirst. Thanks to Yvette Carnell at BREAKING BROWN.COM I now have an identity that is unique to me as an American Citizen. The specific goal and objective BREAKING BROWN’S set for its members is REPARATION. The wealth of these United States was created on the backs of ADOS both as slaves and as a people locked out of the opportunity to participate in the economic benefits of their labor. The legal deprivation of ADOS is evident in the tremendous wealth disparity between white American and ADOS. To me, REPARATION is not just the right thing to do but a legal obligation for redress – payment by American Tax payers for the injurious harm done to American Descendants of Slaves. PLEASE SHARE, ADOS