Monday, December 19, 2016


THOUGHTS WHY POLITICAL POWER WINS OVER CONSTITUTION AND LAW – power does not belong to the people Political power is in the hands of those with the resources to enforce their will on all others. Political power has never been in the hands of the masses. Some in the masses continue to delude themselves by thinking that their numbers constitute the power to exert their will: that is not nor will it ever be true. People in that delusion will continue to be frustrated – that frustration will never end. Our Constitution was written by human beings as are our Laws. Human beings are flawed, even those with the best of intentions. It should not be surprising then that what imperfect humans produce from an imperfect language is itself imperfect. Subsequently, our Constitution and our Laws are open to conflicting interpretations. The winners in these conflicts will inevitably be those who hold political power. Political power holders are like snowballs rolling down a steep slope covered with a thick carpet of masses. Some in the masses will be picked up by the growing snowballs – they will become converts of the politically powerful, even against their will. Take, for example, the white people who were and are against the treatment of black people – Slavery, Jim Crow Laws, ongoing injustice – because there was and are benefits to do so they can close their eyes against the injustice. Another example is the interments of Japanese Americans during the WW II. Another example is German masses and the Jew’s Holocaust. Still another example is Israel’s masses and the occupation of Palestine. In all of these and more the politically powerful was and is able to change the good intentions of the masses by offering benefits for their conversion. The politically powerful will always moves to benefit them self; members of the masses will always join the powerful when they too will benefit. BOOKS /ACTING CREDITS ON MY WEB SITE – please share

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