Sunday, March 20, 2016


THOUGHTS ON OUR UNIVERSE – MASS AND ENERGY I find it interesting that scientist can only account for 3 to 4% of the mass in our universe – this is derived from what they can see and infer. My disclaimer is that I have no idea what scientist are talking about at a technical level; but that doesn’t stop me from simplifying things for my own understanding. The reason an answer to this puzzle in important is that it takes mass and a certain amount of electromagnetic energy to hold dynamic systems together and stable. Without these forces, the glue, our solar system would fly apart - so would our galaxy and our universe. Considering the human organism, with too much or too little of these forces our bodies would simply be crushed or explode – lucky for us we’re in just the right spot to remain alive. So, if what we can see in our universe is not enough to keep it together where the hell is the rest of the stuff – the necessary glue? Could this have something to do with why our universe is expanding? The what, why, and how (?) of things is fascinating - I enjoy the process of thinking. I hope young people are developing the ability to think critically, because the solutions to science related questions can germinate well in young minds.

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