Monday, January 14, 2013


AMERICA'S BUDGET CONGRESS PRESIDENT The American People were led to reelect President Obama. His reelection was only a surprise to those who don't understand that Wealth, not the Middle Class – the 99%, is shaping the direction America is going. The controlling Wealth is forcibly moving our country in the direction of a Pure Capitalist State; where Wealth will dictate the terms of life for every American. Wealth is moving our government away from any social obligation for the American People. Social spending for health, education, skill development, job creation, and general wellbeing will be reduced to a bare subsistence level. Spending for war materials will increase as will the profits of the Wealth. The disparity between the haves and have-nots will continue to grow. President Obama will continue his appeal for fair and equitable compromise in spending cuts, but the Wealth will use his sincerity to further its aims. If your income is Social Security with a Pension you might die before Wealth takes some or all of what you have. If you don't have skills that are in demand and you're drawing some form of social welfare, you will soon be on your own with no job or income. If you are young and not in school; if you are not acquiring a skill that will earn you a good living; you will die before you get old. Adolphus A. Ward

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