Thursday, July 16, 2015


THOUGHTS ON DESIRE PRAYER AND OUTCOME I should be recording and editing more chapters of my first audio book. BUT I’ve been avoiding doing that for more than two weeks. I admit that some of my avoiding is procrastination – I tend to be very creative at it. I don’t just come up with silly reasons for not doing the work; I create very important ideas that only my immediate attention could possibly save me and the world from oblivion. I know I’m full of shit, but it gives my ego a chance to test itself. So, let me get to what I want to say about DESIRE, PRAYER and OUTCOME. I suppose that very early in my life I had some measure of belief in Santa Clause the Tooth Fairy, Heaven, Hell, Wishing Wells, and I suppose Fate – I’m sure fate came later, and seemed even stranger than other beliefs. Fate, as I understand it, is an outcome controlled by something, or someone other than one’s self. Fate suggests shit just happens – and has nothing to do with what one does or doesn’t do. And that brings me to the heart of my very important idea. I don’t think there’s some unseen force randomly assigning shit or sugar to the lives of people. I think where ever one happens to be in life they’ve done more than anyone else to get there – fate does not rob one of all personal choices. What one desires or prays for only identifies an outcome – but desire or prayer alone doesn’t create the outcome; thinking must produce options, choices must be made, and the work must be done to achieve an outcome. We must Do Something to reach an Outcome. Now excuse me while I get back to doing the work.

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