Tuesday, October 10, 2017


THOUGHTS ABOUT SOLUTIONS vis-a-vis BLACK PROTEST WHITE-NATIONALISM – taking room to think First an aside; I’ve been absent from posting regularly because of a heart attack. Over time the accelerate rate and erratic rhythm of my heart weakened the muscle to the point where it no longer pumped blood with enough force to nourish my brain and body, especially during a high aerobic activity – I now have medication that helps me maintain normal heart function; I still must slow my ass down and work on regaining the strength of that vital muscle. Now to what I really want to share: because I’m black I think first about the welfare of black people – beginning with family, friends, others of my kind, and then others no matter the kind. I’m an American, though not in the white-nationalist sense. I don’t think America belongs exclusively to black people. And I don’t waste time quibbling with white people about my right to be here; nor is my right to be here rooted in the words transcribed from the mouths of white men or some creator fashioned by them. I am here because I am: as were my parents, grandparents, and ancestors reaching back in a time before white men even knew this continent existed. We black folks love to talk about our problems and we do a lot of it – to fucking much of it. I meant that just like I said it, but I’ll subdue it a bit for those with thin skins. I don’t mean that any voice should be left out of exposing racism: I do mean we tend to get stuck talking-and-re-talking about it till the story loses its voice, its strength. Let me take another bite out of our black butts – the more time given to talking about a problem the less time given to solving that problem. We avoid working on a solution because it’s hard fucking work, we have to think. Solving problems that plague black folks is hard work but its work we have to do to get a desired quality of economics, education, employment, and the sense of well-being. www.adolphusward.net

1 comment:

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