Saturday, November 10, 2018


THOUGHTS ABOUT VIOLENT RACIAL CONFLICT – focus in black and white I was having coffee with a small group of retirees and conversation flited about from the election results to a mass shooting at a club in our area of Southern California to the asylum seekers now entering Mexico on the way to the US and the race and economic divisions dividing in our country. A few in the group seemed to be totally reliant on fate, God’s will, as if they are helpless in changing the course of events destine to cause negative outcomes. Our little group may not be a representative sample of all US Citizens but one can be sure it is probably symptomatic. A growing number of Americans, black and white, see violent race conflict as inevitable. Some whites have tried and will continue to try and create optimal conditions for a Race Riot. Some whites do in fact hate black people; they will do whatever they can get away with to make the lives of black people miserable even to death. Fortunate for our country there are citizens, black and white, who think independently and not with the heard following the lure of propaganda. Independent thinkers know the power of expectation; they know that expectation can lead to reality – especially when one only relies on fate or the will of God. It is what race haters and independent thinkers do each day that becomes the recipe for racial coexistence or madness.

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