Thursday, April 11, 2019


THOUGHTS ABOUT ADOS REPARATION – who gets it and why Once again REPARATION is part of conversation in public and social media. This is due in large part to Yvette Carnell of BREAKING BROWN and Antonia Moore of TONETALKS. These two have given reparation a specific focus that was new to me. They have identified who should get reparation, who should pay it and why. I pause here to make it clear that what I say is my take on what they make clear. ADOS is an acronym they created for a group of American Descendants of Slavery. This group has been up and growing for two plus years. I recently joined the group because the group has a specific identify; it has a specific goal and a specific reason for being. Generations of American Descendants of Slavery continue to suffer from the trauma endured during slavery and the many years of exclusion from legal protection, jobs, education, financial-institutions, healthcare-facilities, political-activity, housing and those privileges otherwise enjoyed by white citizens. American Descendants of Slavery have been harmed; the harmer is the American Government; ADOS has the right to a claim for redress; the appropriate party to pay for harm done to ADOS citizens is the United States Government.

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