Thursday, July 18, 2019


THOUGHTS ABOUT FIGHT FOR BLACK IDENTITY – can one name fit all? My answer to the question is yes there is a unique name for all American blacks. Is it the only name an individual or group of American blacks can use to specifically identify themselves? NO! This name was crafted for legal purposes only. In order for a justice claim to be brought before the court in this country a specific offender and offended must be named – in short, someone or group has suffered harm inflicted on them by some other one or group. American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) is the name of the group and its stated purpose is to seek reparations for the harm done to American blacks by the United States Government. The just claim for payment is not only for the institution of slavery but includes the generations of exclusion from the economic activity that could have provided black Americans with the same opportunities and quality of life provided white Americans. What is too often not mentioned is the depraved economic condition of blacks where ever they are. Even on the African continent poverty is king despite Africa’s abundant natural wealth. This is planned deprivation and not black laziness and lack of thrift. Those individual blacks who have worked hard for a measure of economic success should be applauded. But when those same individuals out of ignorance and arrogance condemn other blacks for not succeeding they should not be applauded but condemned.

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