Wednesday, November 9, 2016


THOUGHTS ABOUT OUR PRESIDENT ELECT DONALD TRUMP – Trump supporters and the other Americans Was I surprised about the election outcome, YES – really surprised, NO. I travel and I read; as a writer and actor I have and have had a great deal of social and intimate contact with white people. I know there are white people who simply do not like black people. Even the presence of blacks in social places and predominantly white neighborhoods grates their sensibilities; it drives them mad when blacks raise their voices in open protest against some injustice – they want blacks to shut-up and stop whining, or preferably just go away. There are wealthy and politically powerful white men and women who not only side with those who do not like blacks but who give political voice and action to their agenda – every black person knows or should know that very powerful white people in our country follow an agenda to Make America White Again. I caution the other Americans not to be overly enthusiastic about the increase in the number of people of color, as though people of color will begin to have a bigger voice in decision making: This is a delusion. Larger numbers do not translate into greater political and economic power. Powerful white men and women and their supporters intend to maintain complete control of wealth and political power. READ: Claud Anderson’s “Black Labor White Wealth,” and Jane Mayer’s “Dark Money.” I do not give a flying fuck if you like to read or not, read these books; get someone to read them to you, or tell you what’s in them – READ GODDAMIT READ. My last thought of this subject before I get off the stage. Black people and other Americans must learn to become subversive obstructionist. We must learn to obstruct every law and every policy that gets in the way of black people increasing their share of the wealth generated in this country; of black people increasing their employable skills; of black people reducing their numbers in prisons, with a restoration of all citizen rights upon release. The Republican Party has written an encyclopedia of Obstruction Techniques – I use our illustrious President Barack Obama as a reference. BOOKS /ACTING CREDITS ON MY WEB SITE – please share

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