Saturday, December 20, 2014


JUST SHARING MY THOUGHTS – 3 A close female friend and I were having lunch with conversation about what could be done to increase the presence and diversity of African American stories in the media – specifically stage and film. As in many conversations by many people in the entertainment industry some good ideas were discussed. Enthused by something I said my friend suggested we put together a group to take the discussion further. My sharp response punctured her inflated enthusiasm and left her somewhat confused and stunned. I explained that I was not interested in forming or joining a group to discuss anything – “I don’t want to discuss shit.” I went on to say that I had been on and chaired committees that pleasured themselves in discussing one thing or another; that pleasured themselves in studying a problem. I have concluded that most discussion-groups pleasure themselves in doing nothing but discussing. If one is really interested in moving past discussing the economic social political psychological condition of Black Americans read any one or all of the following books: “SLAVERY by ANOTHER NAME” by Douglas A Blackmon; “THE NEW JIM CROW” by Michelle Alexander; “SHOULD AMERICA PAY?” by Raymond A Winbush . I’m only interested in Doing not Talking. If I am ever again standing with a group, or sub-group, that group will include officials from every level of our government, stock holding members and CEOs of financial institutions, CEOs and HEADS of business, religious, educational, social, law enforcement, and community institutions; and others who have a stake in developing the imprisoned potential of Africans Americans. I submit that all Americans will benefit when every human being, living is this beautiful country, is enabled to develop their full potential.

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