Saturday, August 23, 2014


SHARING WHY I WRITE NOVELS – 7 I have lived most of the adult life as a single person – two wives and a number of lovers along the way, but most of the time it’s been just me. I love and trust me so we get along just fine. From time to time, however, I get tired of being with me alone – conversation and sexual manipulation tends to get a little stale. My one bedroom is lovely: furniture, artwork; but once in a while my otherwise spacious place tends to close in on me and I have to get out. Since I love espresso, my get-out place is always a coffee shop with other light eating stuff. I have a couple favorite spots but prefer moving around. I belong to a writers group; we meet once a month – that together with my theatre contacts satisfies my need for interactive social contact. I shared a coffee shop table with a middle age man the other day, interesting individual. He’ll be the model for a character in a future novel. I often attract people who want to tell me something about themselves or something they believe. This table-mate was convinced that all Muslims want to kill all Christians – that Muslims are so evil they even kill each other; that Christians don’t kill each other; that Jesus will soon return to save Christian. As a non-believer I gently disagreed with all of his assertions. I calmly told him that most Muslims and Christians are decent life-loving people trying to treat others as they wish to be treated. I let him know that I had neither trust nor belief in a Savior to come or One to come back. I went on to say there is no prescription for life – humans will either do what is helpful to all humans or they will do what will kill all living things. We are our own savior – if we chose to be- we have a choice. My table-mate promptly excused himself and quietly left me alone.

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