Thursday, June 25, 2015


SHARING THOUGHTS ON RELIGION AND MORALITY Had a phone conversation with, Lisa, my youngest daughter this morning. I called to wish her Happy Birthday and too catch up on things – actually I’m a day late with my B-day wish; got deeply involved in a film debate on Religion and Morality. It was well past 3 am when I shut down my computer; after a few hours of sleep I called my daughter to sing short versions of the birthday song. Although I’m the son of a Baptist preacher and at one time considered study in the Christian ministry, I have long stopped believing those things a Christian must believe to support his faith – I stopped believing the Virgin Birth, Deity of Jesus Christ, Resurrection, Heaven, Hell, Life after Death. God, as defined by most religions, became more a question than a fact. For obvious reasons I don’t participate in any religion. I’ve always resisted labels; for a long time I reluctantly accepted Agnostic when contemplating the existence of God and morality. Now the Atheist label seems to be a better fit for how I live my life. I neither believe in nor appeal (pray) to a supernatural power to direct my life. I chose the course my life will take and make the necessary adjustment when I fail at something. My morality doesn’t come from the fear of a God or Hell’s fires – it comes from my sincere desire to add to the quality of human existence by the choices I make.

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