Sunday, June 7, 2015


JUST SHARING MY THOUGHTS ON STINK DAY Sunday is my stink dad. I don’t take off my sleeping clothes or foldup my sofa bed. I sometimes lie back down to daydream about something I’m working on or whatever comes into my head. Outside of my pleasure and research reading I try to avoid doing any work. Tomorrow I’ll resume recording and editing the first of my three novels. It has taken some time to understand and effectively uses the software. But I’m the kind of learners who keep trying, making mistakes, until I get it right. I now know how to record and edit audio files. My eighty years of living and exploring life has taught me think, to reason, and not to simply accept what is given as truth about race, religion, war, politics, love, friendship, kindness, ruthlessness, eternity, etc.. I’ve come to know that the differences we, humans, allow to separate and weaken us are often the very attributes which could make us, humans, stronger. Whether we chose to accept it or not we, all humans, occupy this planet and share its limited resources. If those with political/economic power chose to dominate and destroy – like any parasite their ultimate destruction is inevitable. Our lives and destiny is in our hands. No one is coming to save us from ourselves.

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