Thursday, August 25, 2016


THOUGHTS ABOUT MY IDENTITY – and a few related assumptions The internet has made it possible for me to explore a subject in minutes where it once took hours at a library. I experience the internet as a market place for resources, ideas, assumptions, and beliefs. What makes it exciting for me is that everyone can bring to market whatever they want to sell or exchange. I can buy or accept whatever I want or leave the marketplace doing neither. I sell books in the market, others sell religion, others personal development, still others human origin, and others… Today there are many sellers of what black people are and are not – some sellers are scholars, more are sellers with assumptions. Here, I share thoughts about my identity. I don’t believe in a God or Gods or the story or stories of creation. Evolution seems, at least, plausible to me. I don’t believe humans began with one man and one woman – nothing else in life on earth or in the heavens supports that notion. I consider myself a highbred: a black man whose primary ancestral root is Africa. My African root is evident by physical and cultural similarities, and choice. I am an American; this is evident by my presence here and that of known relatives in memory. So, I am a black man; I am an African American or African-highbred. I am because I exist. BOOKS /ACTING CREDITS ON MY WEB SITE – please share

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